Funded initiatives

We are building momentum by moving from fragmented projects to an ecosystem of efforts all pulling in the same direction. Here we bring together the research and innovation initiatives funded under Viable Cities. 

Ongoing initiatives

  • All initiatives
  • Preliminary studies in call #13
  • International initiatives
  • Climate Neutral Cities 2030
  • System demonstrator
    •   Baking
    • Wave 1
    • Wave 2
    • Wave 3
    • Pilot city
    • Twin City
Viable Cities Portfolio

E-Laas proposes a new and operational energy-based approach to design multimodal urban logistics systems. In E-Laas, urban delivery systems are compared with their energy use including micro platforms and new ways to combine charging, automation and freight parking. This makes it possible to relate logistics as a service to sustainability.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Sandviken is working, together with Gävle, for new opportunities to mobilize the local business community. Sandviken is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Sandviken is hooking arms with Gävle. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where the EU is taking...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Trollhättan has been mobilizing for the climate transition for a long time - now the work is scaling up! Trollhättan is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and mobilize for the next phase of climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where the EU is taking the lead and Swedish cities are...

Climate neutral Borås 2030

Borås aims to be fossil-free by 2030, and with that goal in mind, the municipality is taking overall responsibility as a cog in the transition. Together with companies, organizations and citizens, the whole of Borås is mobilizing in the true spirit of "knalle". They are working with green frameworks for financing, sustainability roadmaps for events, hackathons, citizen involvement, open dialogues and much much more. Borlänge hooks arms with Ulricehamn.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

In Arvika, drive and cohesion permeate the entire community - and are the basic force for the municipality's transition. Arvika is one of 48 Swedish municipalities that are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and are joining forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate transition, with the EU taking the lead and Sweden...

In the picture: A wintry Skellefteå.

The transition work in Skellefteå focuses on sustainable mobility, sustainable construction and sustainable industry. By mobilizing the whole community, they are working to increase biodiversity, promote sustainable transport, explore how public procurement can serve as a tool to reduce climate emissions, heat streets and buildings with waste heat and much more.

In the picture: Eskilstuna makes Climate Commitments 2024 (Climate Evolution*).

Eskilstuna is working with businesses, universities and civil society to find climate-smart solutions. They have the world's first recycling gallery, a municipal vehicle fleet with a high proportion of fossil-free vehicles, energy communities, energy storage that is increasing, building recycling, several initiatives on sustainable consumption, local climate commitments, climate leadership training for business leaders and much much more. You can simply say that Eskilstuna is making a climate revolution! 

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Mörbylånga sees opportunities to accelerate the climate transition locally and contribute regionally, nationally and internationally. Mörbylånga is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Mörbylånga is linking arms with Kalmar, together with Falkenberg. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities,...

Climate neutral Karlstad 2030

The municipality of Karlstad is working on a broad front for the climate transition, from communication strategies and collaboration to climate investment plans and ambitious targets. Climate work permeates the entire municipality and Karlstad emphasizes that it should be easy for residents and businesses to make climate-smart choices. Karlstad has also organized the world's first "Student Citizens' Council for the Climate". Karlstad is linking arms with Kristinehamn.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Kristianstad is working with local actors to achieve a climate-neutral, sustainable and resilient food system in Kristianstad, has recently adopted a sustainable development strategy that is followed up annually through a progress report, is mobilizing, together with local actors, for increased energy production, reliable electricity distribution and efficient energy use, and is developing its methodology for business-related climate investment plans....

In the photo: Kalmar in the sun.

Kalmar is transitioning together with a strong transition arena and towards the goal of becoming one of Sweden's best municipalities in ecological sustainability, climate transition and climate adaptation. They have, among other things, local Climate City Contract, local climate breakfasts, a million program for the climate, pilot projects for climate investments, and an award-winning transition to electric vehicles. 

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Håbo is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Håbo is linking arms with Uppsala. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where the EU is taking the lead and Swedish cities are pioneers.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Avesta - an enabler for the climate transition in Dalarna. Avesta is one of 48 municipalities in Sweden that are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and are joining forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Avesta is linking arms with Borlänge. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate action, where the EU is leading the way and Swedish cities are...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

In Boden, there is a local habit of working on a broad front. Boden is one of 48 Swedish municipalities that are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and are joining forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate transition, with the EU taking the lead and Swedish cities leading the way.

Climate neutral Umeå 2030

A central strategy in Umeå's work is to mobilize and strengthen partnerships and collaboration between partners, based on the Umeå Climate Roadmap's focus areas. Over 60 partners are part of Umeå's climate roadmap and collaborate and learn from each other to strengthen local climate work. With the municipality leading the way, Umeå has developed a handbook on how to lead an effective...

Viable Cities System Demonstrator

In one of Sweden's most densely populated areas with heavy traffic, Lund, together with a number of stakeholders, will create a mobility system with reduced emissions while maintaining accessibility. The mobility system will also be linked to a local climate-neutral energy system in the area where energy is produced and shared between the properties.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Borlänge is creating forms of collaboration, new processes and methods to enable a rapid climate transition, and companies in Borlänge have the opportunity to sign up locally Climate City Contract where they undertake to allocate time and commitment to contribute to the entire city's transition. The municipality has two focus areas: Travel sustainably, with sub-goals such as reducing the need for car traffic, and Eat sustainably,...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Karlskrona is working with ambitious targets, collaboration and strategic approaches. Karlskrona is one of 48 Swedish municipalities that are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and are joining forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where the EU is taking the lead and Swedish cities are pioneers.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Landskrona is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase of climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Landskrona is joining forces with Malmö, together with Höör. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate action, with the EU leading the way and Swedish cities being pioneers.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Luleå - northern Sweden's hub for the climate transition! Luleå is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where the EU is taking the lead and Swedish cities are pioneers.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Örnsköldsvik mobilizes long-term - based on trust and innovation. Örnsköldsvik is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and mobilize in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where the EU is taking the lead and Swedish cities are pioneers.

Climate neutral Gothenburg 2030

In Gothenburg, there is a strong focus on developing the city's ability to create and harness citizen engagement in the environmental and climate transition, and in the spring of 2024, the city carried out a citizens' council, where 30 people were asked to contribute thoughts and suggestions on how the city can engage and involve residents in the climate transition. Gothenburg is also working with a broad toolbox to achieve a more sustainable...

Climate neutral Järfälla 2030

In Järfälla, the expansion of Barkarbystaden is underway - one of Sweden's largest urban development projects. To reduce emissions from construction transport, a logistics solution has been procured, with the aim of coordinating and optimizing the resources of the thousands of construction transports that need to get in and out. Järfälla also has several initiatives in its transition portfolio, including a strategy for sustainable urban development, circular construction, sustainable transportation,...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Höör is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase of climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Höör is joining forces with Malmö, together with Landskrona. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate action, with the EU taking the lead and Swedish cities leading the way.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Sundsvall is testing solutions and learning from others to move forward in the transition. Sundsvall is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and mobilize for the next phase of climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, with the EU taking the lead and Sweden...

Pictured: Quality of life in the Vallastaden district, Linköping.

Linköping has developed a climate investment plan for transport together with Linköping University, developed a category management model, worked on an environmental commuting analysis, allocated funds for test bed vouchers and launched a smart map where you can rent, share, swap, borrow, repair and buy recycled. Linköping is hooking arms with Mjölby.

Viable Cities System Demonstrator

The City of Stockholm and its partners will work for a comprehensive transition of travel habits, surface use and vehicle fleet in Stockholm's inner city. This is a step towards an emission-free inner city and a climate-positive Stockholm 2030. In the system demonstrator, the environmental zone planned in central Stockholm will be used as both an engine and a window of opportunity in the pursuit of a transport-efficient and emission-free transport system that is...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Värmdö - the archipelago's sustainable meeting place! Värmdö is one of 48 of Sweden's municipalities that are joining forces to meet the climate crisis and are joining forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate change in cities, where the EU is taking the lead and Swedish cities are pioneers.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Lomma has been working strategically for a long time and is now increasing the pace even further. Lomma is one of 48 of Sweden's municipalities that are joining forces to meet the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Lomma is linking arms with Lund. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate action in cities, with the EU taking the lead...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Kristinehamn balances region-wide issues and residents' choices. Kristinehamn is one of 48 municipalities in Sweden that are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and are joining forces in the next phase of climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Kristinehamn is linking arms with Karlstad. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate transition, with the EU taking the lead and Swedish cities leading the way.

Image from the City of Stockholm, photo: Henrik Trygg.

Stockholm was one of the first cities to receive the EU's Mission Label for its climate work, and with this in mind, the city continues to work for the transition by connecting, strengthening and further developing existing cooperation structures. Together with the city's stakeholders and citizens, they are investing in increased electrification and more efficient transport, electrified construction, carbon capture and storage, reduced plastic use and increased sorting, and...

Pictured: The Mariestad Transition Team proudly showing off the Mariestad Climate Game.

Mariestad has been working on innovative green solutions for almost ten years, and the Climate Neutral Mariestad 2030 mission brings together everyone working for the climate in Mariestad - business, individuals and other actors - in Mariestad's transition arena. Together they work for a climate-neutral association life, sustainable passenger transport to and from workplaces, sustainable construction, hydrogen as an energy source and board games as a tool. Together they are...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Falkenberg - a rural municipality with great capacity! Falkenberg is one of 48 municipalities in Sweden that are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and are joining forces in the next phase of climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Falkenberg is linking arms with Kalmar, together with Mörbylånga. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate action, with the EU taking the lead and Sweden...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Falköping is joining forces to mobilize on several levels. Falköping is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and mobilize in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Falköping is linking arms with Gothenburg. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate action, with the EU taking the lead and Sweden...

Climate neutral Örebro 2030

Örebro municipality's revised climate strategy clarifies six focus areas that are aimed at the municipal group, but the efforts relate to both the municipal group and the geographical area. Örebro has also set specific goals that they are working on together with other actors and the focus going forward is to implement the climate strategy's new working methods and implement prioritized activities.

Climate neutral Enköping 2030

By integrating sustainability issues into its core activities, Enköping Municipality is acting proactively in the climate transition, and the municipality is investing in creating a culture where sustainability permeates both the municipal organization and the city. With tools such as a carbon budget and in-depth climate knowledge, the municipality works, among other things, with the role and potential of small businesses, urban planning where sustainability goals are to be reflected, reduced energy consumption in public premises using the EnOff model and the impact...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Carbon sequestration and climate-neutral agriculture are in focus for Höganäs. Höganäs is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase of climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Höganäs is linking arms with Helsingborg. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate action, with the EU taking the lead and Swedish cities...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Ulricehamn joins forces - fair, equal and inclusive! Ulricehamn is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Ulricehamn is linking arms with Borås. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate action, with the EU taking the lead and Swedish cities leading the way.

Climate neutral Uppsala 2030

In Uppsala, the focus in the coming years will be on improving energy and power efficiency and increasing the share of renewable electricity, setting high climate requirements in land allocation competitions and procurements, and investing in sustainable travel. The Uppsala Climate Protocol, which has been in place since 2010, brings together companies, public organizations, universities and associations that want to make concrete progress towards a climate-converted Uppsala. Uppsala hooks arms with Håbo.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Gotland - a unique island with unique opportunities for mobilization and transition! Gotland is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and mobilize for the next phase of climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where the EU is taking the lead and Swedish cities are pioneers.

In the picture: Cyclist at Storsjö Strand in Östersund. Photo: Håkan Wike.

Östersund has high ambitions in sustainability, and setting high goals is an important part of the work - goals that are not only about the climate and reducing emissions, but also about health, justice and quality of life. This is demonstrated by, among other things, an emission-free construction site, sustainable travel - even in winter, a circular pop-up, a climate box, work hubs, and several other good examples.

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Tomelilla has an ambitious climate program and is working on developing a roadmap. Tomelilla is one of 48 municipalities in Sweden that are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and are joining forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Tomelilla is linking arms with Kristianstad. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, with the EU taking the lead...

Climate neutral Växjö 2030

Växjö municipality aims to be both fossil fuel-free and climate neutral by 2030. Therefore, a special focus in Växjö is on the transition to a sustainable transport system. But they are also building on investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, urban planning, circular flows and cooperation between different actors. Växjö is hooking arms with Alvesta.

Climate neutral Lund 2030

Shared and inclusive mobility, pilot tests in transport and operations, and the development of circular flows through procurement. These are some of the things Lund is working on in its transition efforts. Ahead of 2025, they are stepping up the pace and sharpening their ambitions. With the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2030, the city council has also allocated an extra SEK 40 million for a strengthened climate package, and with it initiated even...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Härryda is growing and changing with great strides! Härryda is one of 48 Swedish municipalities that are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and are joining forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where the EU is taking the lead and Swedish cities are pioneers.

In the picture: Overview of Nacka municipality.

New and ambitious climate and environmental goals are being developed in Nacka's new climate and environmental program. The municipality is working on initiatives in several areas, from mobility and urban planning to organization and procurement. Among other things, the municipality has invited to a land allocation competition focusing on innovative solutions for minimized climate impact throughout the life cycle, free lending at libraries of different types of meters for...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Alvesta's vision is to be the center of southern Sweden, integrating local living with global opportunities. Alvesta is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Alvesta is linking arms with Växjö. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where...

Viable Cities The Climate Contract in the City

Mjölby is one of 48 Swedish municipalities joining forces to tackle the climate crisis and join forces in the next phase of climate-neutral and sustainable cities. Mjölby is linking arms with Linköping. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for urban climate transition, with the EU leading the way and Swedish cities being pioneers.

Climate neutral Helsingborg 2030

Helsingborg's ambition is to offer its residents a high quality of life within the limits of the planet. The City of Helsingborg has an ambitious climate and energy plan with the goal of achieving zero emissions for the municipality's area by 2035. As part of this, a local Paris Agreement, Climate Agreement in Helsingborg, was launched in spring 2021. Helsingborg is hooking arms with Höganäs.

Previous initiatives

  • All initiatives
  • Preliminary studies in call #13
  • International initiatives
  • Climate Neutral Cities 2030
  • System demonstrator
    •   Baking
    • Wave 1
    • Wave 2
    • Wave 3
    • Pilot city
    • Twin City
Sharing towns

The initiative, which is part of the Sharing Cities Sweden program, aims to reduce energy use and climate impact by developing the sharing economy in smaller cities. By using Karlstad and other smaller cities in a dialog with Karlstad, the initiative will answer the question of...

Viable Cities Portfolio

Upplands-Bro has the largest increase in carbon dioxide emissions among Swedish municipalities since the Paris Agreement. To achieve the goals, a concerted effort is needed together with the business community. The preliminary study will conduct economic analyses of climate measures and, in collaboration with the business community, highlight economic opportunities for climate investments, such as...

Mo-Bo III - Mobility and housing as a single service

The initiative aims to change the way we live and travel in everyday life. With a holistic approach to mobility and housing, the initiative will increase resource efficiency through sharing services, digitization and innovative thinking about the form, operation and use of buildings. Smarter investments will enable a new architecture that frees up...

Mo-Bo - Architecture for sustainable mobility

Mo-Bo is a housing concept with mobility services that solve residents' transportation needs in a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable way. The sharing economy and mobility services are paving the way for innovative architecture where more people and goods can be transported by fewer vehicles, which means smarter...

Viable Cities Portfolio

The initiative will explore how social and climate impacts can be measured and calculated in sustainable bond solutions, thereby helping to mobilize capital. The market for sustainable investments is growing. The aim is to open up investments in new models and solutions...

Sustainability becomes standard

The initiative aims to capture innovative solutions from pilot projects in several municipalities. This is to accelerate climate-neutral urban development by enabling new solutions with great potential to become standard in new and existing areas more quickly.

Sharing communities

The initiative, part of the Sharing Cities Sweden program, aims to explore the social drivers and potential of the sharing economy in communities and cities in Sweden. It will focus on how housing companies can facilitate sharing between tenants and provide space for...

Sharing business models

The initiative is part of the Sharing Cities Sweden program. The understanding of the new business models is key to implementing "business model ecologies" in our cities. Therefore, analysis of business model ecologies is being carried out in several European cities. This effort makes it possible to estimate...

Sharing platforms

The initiative is part of the Sharing Cities Sweden program. The purpose of this initiative is to investigate whether digital sharing platforms based on a more user-centered sharing philosophy can solve the problems of the previous platforms, which tended to be more resource-centered.

The Uppsala Climate Campaign

Klimatkampen Uppsala aims to accelerate the climate transition and facilitate more sustainable choices in everyday life for Uppsala residents. The initiative will engage and inform Uppsala residents in various ways about how they can reduce their climate impact.

Viable Cities Portfolio

The feasibility study will develop scalable processes and frameworks and produce a basis for decisions on climate investments to increase Eskilstuna's and Helsingborg's opportunities to achieve their climate goals. The methodology can be used by other cities. "The city's journey" refers to the seven parts ...

Accelerate - capacity for transformative innovation

To achieve the sustainability goals of the UN's Agenda 2030 initiative, municipalities must make their cities sustainable. Promoting innovation and new ways of working together can build a culture of experimentation that enables large-scale systemic change. The Accelerate project, by developing a...

Strategic initiatives 2018-2019

City as a Platform is an innovation initiative that brings together 18 municipalities to explore, test, implement and collaborate on common IoT platforms to support societal benefits in cities. The initiative will also ensure national anchoring and propose a national management model of a minimum framework ...

Sharing behavior

The initiative is part of the Sharing Cities Sweden program. Many sharing economy initiatives launched around the world have not succeeded as expected. Lack of knowledge about the underlying causes of (non) adoption, scaling and mainstreaming among users are the main reasons. The initiative aims...

Value creation with open data from the ectogrid™ energy system

The initiative will create conditions for various companies, associations, research and public activities to benefit from open data from the ectogrid™ energy system. By making ectogrid™ data available, digitalization and citizen involvement can contribute to increased energy system optimization, e.g. by balancing energy types and loads.

Viable Cities Portfolio

The initiative will develop methods and models for how public events can accelerate the climate transition in cities. The project brings together Sweden's largest live music festivals, Swedish sports and destinations for joint action with researchers. Since time immemorial, events have brought people together and aroused...

Effective energy planning for smart and sustainable cities

The initiative will develop a dynamic visualization tool for more effective urban planning. The tool will provide better decision support by visualizing and communicating the consequences of urban development for the energy system. The tool is developed in consultation with Kiruna municipality where the benefits will be significant...

Viable Cities System Demonstrator

Lokal Kraft aims to drive climate change together with e.g. property owners, associations and citizens of Malmö, based on geographical parts of the city. The goal is to develop partnerships and working methods to maximize the climate effect of local development work, which will be based on...

Viable Cities Portfolio

Building materials are a major source of climate emissions in our cities. The initiative focuses on new ways to reduce the extraction of new materials and to use materials already present in the urban environment, including through reuse from demolition and redevelopment projects.

When publishing the name of the person(s) appearing in the image, please contact the model(s).

The initiative will develop digital solutions that make it possible to analyze energy consumption for both property management and healthcare operations. The aim is to identify and visualize opportunities for better energy use.

Viable Cities Portfolio

Achieving climate goals requires digital solutions, but with digitalization, the vulnerability of cities to cyberattacks is increasing. To prevent cyber attacks, vulnerabilities need to be identified. This is very difficult and requires an understanding of the city-wide system architecture and significant...

Climate-neutral urban logistics

Based in Gothenburg, the initiative will explore how the environmental impact of urban logistics can be minimized with the widespread introduction of autonomous delivery robots.

Digitally controlled cultivation systems in peri-urban industrial areas

Under the initiative, the City of Stockholm and partners will carry out pilot installations of innovative fruit and vegetable growing systems in the city's industrial areas. These growing systems are expected to provide positive environmental effects and potential for civic engagement as well as new job opportunities for new arrivals.

Sharing Cities Sweden

Sharing Cities Sweden is a national program for the sharing economy in cities. The program aims to put Sweden on the map as a country that actively and critically works with the sharing economy in cities. In sharing economy test beds in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and...

Viable Cities Portfolio

The initiative is a demonstrator and includes initiatives for smart energy systems, circular resource flows and citizen engagement. By 2035, a socially sustainable and climate-positive district will be built with 4,500 homes and associated schools, preschools, care, services and trade. The initiative is based on ...

Thriving North

In 2022, Viable Cities has been responsible for a government commission "Support for innovation work in sustainable urban and community development in Norrbotten and Västerbotten" with the working name Thriving North. In the assignment, six municipalities (Kiruna, Gällivare, Boden, Luleå, Skellefteå and Umeå) were identified as well as...

Viable Cities Portfolio

The initiative develops models for common digital infrastructure for resource flows that connect urban farming, real estate and district heating networks. This is the basis for small-scale urban food production that is climate-smart, efficient and profitable in industrial areas.

Digital tomatoes

The initiative involves developing models for recycling waste heat from data centers for urban food production and soil cultivation in dense urban environments. The goal is to construct a first facility in Gothenburg with greenhouses tightly integrated with the data center, powered by waste heat and...

Urban DIGG Infra

This feasibility study aims to explore how the smart city can best support its citizens and connected things in terms of digital infrastructure. How are we connected to services and functions in 2030? What services and business models might exist? Which...

City as a Platform

City as a Platform is an innovation initiative that brings together 18 municipalities to explore, test, implement and collaborate on common IoT platforms to support societal benefits in cities. The initiative will also ensure national anchoring and propose a national management model of a minimum framework ...