Climate-neutral Eskilstuna in 2030

In Eskilstuna, they work with collaboration, recycling, logistics, civic engagement and much more - they do Climate Revolution!

Eskilstuna's transition arena

Eskilstuna is working with businesses, universities and civil society to find climate-smart solutions. They have the world's first recycling gallery, a municipal vehicle fleet with a high proportion of fossil-free vehicles, energy communities, energy storage that is increasing, building recycling, several initiatives on sustainable consumption, local climate commitments, climate leadership training for business leaders and much much more. You can simply say that Eskilstuna is making a climate revolution! 

To achieve the climate goals, Eskilstuna works in collaboration with business, academia and civil society through the collaborative arena Klimatevolution, where industry clusters and associations are linked together through joint events, seminars, networks and training. The municipality also has the local Climate Commitment for companies and organizations, a tool for rallying around various initiatives that lead to climate transition and a way to support companies and organizations. To create commitment and awareness of environmental and climate issues for citizens, various events are organized in Eskilstuna, such as the Climate Summit, the Knowledge Festival, World Environment Day, Litter Picking Days, Mobility Week and Earth Hour. 

With the help of mobilization, the municipality has come a long way in its transition work. Among other things, Eskilstuna has the world's first recycling gallery - ReTuna. The gallery is located next to Retuna Recycling Center, where visitors can leave reusable items in the gallery's depot, sometimes received by the municipality, which makes an initial sorting. The items are then distributed to the reusable shops in the mall and the shop staff choose what they want to repair, fix, transform, refine and sell. 

Eskilstuna also has a municipal vehicle fleet in which more than 70% of the municipality's transportation is carried out using renewable fuels, a figure well above the national average. The energy transition is also well underway, with the municipality investing in, among other things, municipal energy communities to facilitate sustainable energy solutions and explore the benefits of energy sharing, a collaborative energy transition arena to promote energy efficiency, increase the use of renewable energy and energy storage, and large-scale energy storage, with a 20 MW battery park and batteries at buildings and at the ice stadium being the latest additions. 

A deep dive into Eskilstuna's transition

In the city's latest update, they talk about the work, the transition arena, the project portfolio and much more.

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In the picture, from left: Elin Svanström, Process Manager Climate Evolution and Viable Cities, Maria Johansson and Malin Isaksson, Environmental Strategists in Eskilstuna Municipality.

Elin Svanström, process manager for Climate Neutral Eskilstuna 2030,

Malin Isaksson, environmental strategist in Eskilstuna,

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In Eskilstuna, we work long-term and strategically with environmental issues. We set tough targets and work both systematically and innovatively. We also work closely with the business community, the university and civil society to find climate-smart solutions. We are therefore proud that our work has been recognized in the Environmentally Best Municipality.
In the picture: Jimmy Jansson (S), municipal executive Chairman in Eskilstuna municipality, with the award for Sweden's Best Environmental Municipality 2024.
Jimmy Jansson (S)
Municipal Executive Board Chairman in Eskilstuna municipality

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Energy smart solutions tailored in Eskilstuna

There are only benefits to becoming an energy-smart company; for the economy, for the working environment and not least through reduced negative climate impact and emissions. In Eskilstuna municipality through the Energy Evolution Center, the energy-smart solutions are tailored to the needs of companies to become more energy-smart - through the Energy Staircase!

Eskilstuna highlights additional actions that they believe may be of particular interest to other municipalities to spy and apply. Contact the process leader to spy and apply.

  • ReTuna recycling gallery - ReTuna is the world's first recycling gallery and was opened in 2015. The gallery is located next to Retuna Recycling Center where visitors can leave reusable items in the gallery's depot "Returen". Here, the material is received by Eskilstuna municipality's resource unit for Activity, Motivation and Work (AMA), which makes an initial sorting. The items are then distributed to the reusing shops in the mall. The shop staff choose what they want to repair, fix, transform, refine - and sell.
  • Eskilstuna municipality's local Climate Commitment for companies and organizations is a tool for rallying around various initiatives that lead to climate change and is a way to support companies and organizations.

  • Climate leadership training for business leaders in small and medium-sized enterprises has been developed and tested together with Fabriksföreningen and Mälardalen Industrial Technology Center. A new round will be launched as the pilot was successful.

  • Energy storage - In Eskilstuna, several large-scale energy storage facilities have been installed during the year. Most recently, a 20 MW battery park was installed, but batteries have also been installed in buildings and at an ice stadium. The energy storage at the ice stadium is built to handle Eskilstuna's power and capacity needs and increases the municipality's self-sufficiency. It also has a positive climate impact through energy efficiency of buildings/less emissions. 
  • Eskilstuna's first construction recycling depot is located at the recycling center at ReTuna recycling gallery. Private individuals can leave construction and demolition materials at the depot, where Beijer Byggmaterial assesses whether they can be reused and, if so, sells them in its nearby store. After the first three months, Beijer has sold virtually everything it has collected from the container, corresponding to 1 ton of construction waste equivalent to 1.5 tons of CO2e compared to new production.

Eskilstunas Climate City Contract 2030

Climate City Contract 2030 is a collective effort to achieve the climate transition that we need to implement in a short time to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. It is an agreement between municipalities, government agencies and Viable Cities where all parties undertake to make a concrete contribution to increasing the pace of climate change.

Eskilstuna invests and tests

To achieve deep change, we need to move from fragmented projects to an ecosystem of efforts that all pull in the same direction. Cities are doing this together with Viable Cities, funders government agencies and other partners, in different constellations and with different objectives. It is about moving beyond dealing with symptoms and instead focusing on underlying problems in our social structure. Here you will find the initiatives and studies within the city that have been granted funding under Viable Cities.

[It does not appear that the city has any ongoing initiatives at this time.]

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Viable Cities Portfolio

The feasibility study will develop scalable processes and frameworks and provide a basis for decisions on climate investments to increase Eskilstuna's and...

City as a Platform

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Eskilstuna works internationally

Gävle is part of the NetZeroCities 112 Mission Cities, selected since 2022 to pioneer the EU Cities Mission.