Climate neutral Mariestad 2030

Mariestad is working with citizen involvement, collaboration and board games in parallel with its biggest urban transformation in modern times!

Mariestad's transition arena

Mariestad has been working on innovative green solutions for almost ten years, and the Climate Neutral Mariestad 2030 mission brings together everyone working for the climate in Mariestad - business, individuals and other actors - in Mariestad's transition arena. Together, they work for a climate-neutral association life, sustainable passenger transport to and from workplaces, sustainable construction, hydrogen as an energy source and board games as a tool.

A key actor in Mariestad's transition work is the local business community and their development power. Examples include the Metsä Tissue paper mill, which is investing in new technology and expanding its production with the aim of becoming 100% fossil-free by 2030, and AB Volvo, which has started work on a battery cell factory for heavy vehicles. Business development contributes to the city's development and employment, as well as valuable jobs for residents. 

Mariestad's transition arena includes the business community, but also other actors and people who in some way work with the city's climate transition. The commitment can look different for different actors, and the mission of Climate Neutral Mariestad 2030 links everyone together. 

Working at a regional level is at least as important as the local transition arena. Mariestad is part of Skaraborg, which consists of 15 municipalities that need to cooperate on a range of issues. They are working together to raise the issue of climate change, provide knowledge about common challenges and opportunities, and identify the areas in which the municipalities can most benefit from coordinating. 

In Mariestad, several climate initiatives are underway in various places, including the municipality working to facilitate sustainable choices and lifestyles for residents and actors operating in Mariestad, creating the conditions for business expansion by planning and structuring long-term, which also includes climate and sustainability management, creating a personal incentive for individuals to make climate-smart choices and make people feel a commitment, developing a climate investment plan, and - not least - a board game where the player can practice making Mariestad climate neutral. 

Together with the Transition Arena and the people of Mariestad, the municipality is driving the transition in parallel with its biggest urban transformation in modern times, with the aim of increasing its population by 60% by 2040.

Deep dive into Mariestad's transition

In the city's latest update, they talk about the work, the transition arena, the project portfolio and much more.

The context that Viable Cities gives us as a small city is a fantastic resource. Access to skills development and networks for development and innovation is incredibly valuable. But we also believe that as a small city with big ambitions, we have an opportunity to inspire others to transition and industrial renewal, which we have been working towards for a long time in Mariestad. We have also seen several examples that the close collaboration that we have in the Skaraborg Network Workshop provides an opportunity for our collaboration within Viable Cities to multiply and spread to others.
Johan Abrahamsson (M), Municipal Executive Chairman in Mariestad municipality.
Johan Abrahamsson (M)
Municipal Executive Board Chairman in Mariestad municipality

peak and steal

Mariestad highlights two initiatives that they believe could be of particular interest to other municipalities to spy and apply. Contact the process leader to spy and apply.

  • The Mariestad Climate Game
    The Mariestad Climate Game is a board game where the player can practice making Mariestad climate neutral over seven years. The hope is that the game will spread knowledge about how the climate transition can work and inspire and arouse curiosity about the subject. The climate game shows how a sustainable society can be built, but also some of the challenges that may arise along the way, and can be found at schools and study associations and can be borrowed from the library.
  • Kronoparkens preschool with hydrogen
    Kronoparkens preschool is perhaps the first preschool in Sweden to be able to be virtually disconnected from the local electricity grid. Solar cells on the roof produce electricity for the preschool and the surplus will be stored in the form of hydrogen, which is then used for operation and heating during the winter months. The investment is part of Mariestad municipality's future investments in the transition to a fossil-free and sustainable society. It also gives children the chance to understand early on the importance of sustainability that permeates the environment and pedagogy at the preschool.

Mariestads Climate City Contract 2030

Climate City Contract 2030 is a collective effort to achieve the climate transition that we need to implement in a short time to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. It is an agreement between municipalities, government agencies and Viable Cities where all parties undertake to make a concrete contribution to increasing the pace of climate change.

Mariestad invests and tests

To achieve deep change, we need to move from fragmented projects to an ecosystem of efforts that all pull in the same direction. Cities are doing this together with Viable Cities, funders government agencies and other partners, in different constellations and with different objectives. It is about moving beyond dealing with symptoms and instead focusing on underlying problems in our social structure. Here you will find the initiatives and studies within the city that have been granted funding under Viable Cities.

[It does not appear that the city has any ongoing initiatives at this time.]

Luleå works internationally

Gävle is part of the NetZeroCities 112 Mission Cities, selected since 2022 to pioneer the EU Cities Mission.