Climate neutral Uppsala 2030

Uppsala has a climate budget, climate requirements and a football pitch that can become a reservoir in the event of torrential rain.

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City of Climate City Contract 2030

The city invests and tests

Information on the initiative

The city mobilizes at international level

In Uppsala, the focus in the coming years will be on improving energy and power efficiency and increasing the share of renewable electricity, setting high climate requirements in land allocation competitions and procurements, and investing in sustainable travel. The Uppsala Climate Protocol, which has been in place since 2010, brings together companies, public organizations, universities and associations that want to make concrete progress towards a climate-converted Uppsala.

Uppsala Municipality aims to be climate neutral by 2030. Over the next few years, the focus will be on improving energy and power efficiency and increasing the proportion of renewable electricity through solar panels on the municipality's roofs. Uppsala Municipality will also reduce emissions during construction, for example through recycling and climate requirements in land allocation competitions. The municipality as a geographical area must reduce plastic in residual waste to reduce emissions from the district heating plant. This is a focus area for Uppsala Municipality's transition arena, Uppsala Climate Protocol.

Uppsala's transition arena, the Uppsala Climate Protocol, brings together companies, public organizations, universities and associations that want to make concrete progress towards a climate-transformed Uppsala. Recently, the protocol has made an organizational change and the focus groups have sharpened their action power by creating operational working groups. The network has existed since 2010 and currently consists of 45 members, but is continuously growing and every year new sources of emissions are added and followed up by the members. 

Uppsala is working on preparedness issues here and now, for example to deal with torrential rain and heat waves, but it is also planning the city based on the new conditions created by climate change. For example, the new artificial grass pitch at Fålhagens IP has been lowered by half a meter to provide a flood surface in the event of torrential rain, and the municipality is planting around 500 new trees every year and developing an improved tree database to increase the number of trees in Uppsala. 

Deep dive into Uppsala's transition

In the city's latest update, they talk about the work, the transition arena, the project portfolio and much more.

With Viable Cities, we can work together towards common goals to further accelerate the climate transition. In Uppsala, we are now gearing up the municipality's climate work. The municipality's climate budget is being activated and the goal of a climate-neutral Uppsala will permeate all municipal activities, from urban planning to procurement, and a climate impact assessment will be carried out for investments and decisions.
In the photo: Erik Pelling (S), municipal executive Chairman in Uppsala municipality.
Erik Pelling (S)
Municipal Executive Board Chairman in Uppsala municipality

Stare and steal

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  • Karlstad

Uppsala highlights additional actions that they believe may be of particular interest to other municipalities to glo och sno. Contact the process leader to glo och sno.

  • Football pitches can become pools during heavy rainfall. Most football pitches are arched to allow rainwater to run off them. The new artificial grass pitch at Fålhagens IP is the opposite - it is lowered half a meter to be able to be a flood surface in case of torrential rain.

  • The municipality plants hundreds of new trees every year. There are currently more than 28,000 trees growing in public spaces in the municipality. Uppsala municipality plants around 500 new trees every year and is developing an improved tree database to increase the number of trees in Uppsala.

  • Municipality shares knowledge on climate adaptation. Uppsala municipality has produced maps and reports on various risks that may arise due to climate change, to support property owners and building operators. 

Uppsalas Climate City Contract 2030

Climate City Contract 2030 is a collective effort to achieve the climate transition that we need to implement in a short time to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. It is an agreement between municipalities, government agencies and Viable Cities where all parties undertake to make a concrete contribution to increasing the pace of climate change.

The city invests and tests

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  • Accelerate
  • Borås
  • Borlänge
  • The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning
  • Capabilities
  • Chalmers
  • CitiES2030
  • Climate Smart Cities Challenge
  • Climate-KIC
  • CoAction
  • Digitalization
  • Drive Sweden
  • Driving Urban Transition
  • Energy Authority
  • Enköping
  • ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities
  • Eskilstuna
  • EU
  • European Viable Cities Day
  • Formas
  • Research
  • Gävle
  • Global
  • Gothenburg
  • Greentopia
  • Halmstad
  • Helsingborg
  • Halmstad University
  • IVL Swedish Environmental Institute
  • Järfälla
  • Jobs
  • squid
  • Karlstad
  • Karlstad University
  • Climate investment and financing
  • Climate Communities
  • Climate competitiveness
  • climate city contract
  • Climate-neutral cities by 2030
  • Communication
  • Kristianstad
  • KTH
  • Royal Institute of Technology
  • Linköping
  • Linköping University
  • Luleå
  • Lund
  • Lund University
  • M100
  • Malmö
  • Mariestad
  • Civic engagement and involvement
  • Mobility and accessibility
  • Nacka
  • The Nature Conservation Society
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • NetZeroCities
  • Nordic Transition Partnership
  • Örebro
  • Östersund
  • Positive Energy Districts
  • Research institute of Sweden
  • RISE
  • Sharing Cities Sweden
  • Skellefteå
  • Södertörn University
  • Urban planning and construction
  • State Agricultural University (SLU)
  • Stockholm
  • Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Storytelling
  • Swedish Municipalities and Regions
  • Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU)
  • Sweden-US Green Transition Initiative
  • System demonstrators
  • Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
  • Transport Authority
  • Transition Lab Forum
  • twin cities
  • Umeå
  • Umeå University
  • UN-Habitat
  • UniCities
  • Upplands-Bro
  • Uppsala
  • Uppsala University
  • Calls for proposals
  • Växjö
  • Vinnova
  • WWF
Viable Cities Portfolio

Climate change and finance are currently managed mainly in isolation, and municipal financial processes do not always align with climate targets. Integration of climate and financial governance is needed to effectively steer towards net zero. To meet this need, the...

More information

  • Project manager: Elin Stening
  • Total budget: SEK 10 067 679
  • Grant applied for: SEK 4 999 583
  • Start date: 2021-10-01
  • End date: 2024-09-30
  • Partners: Uppsala municipality, STUNS, Energikontoret Mälardalen, Uppsala Innovation Centre, Church of Sweden, Uppsala University, Förnyelselabbet, WWF, SEI, Beteendelabbet, Internet of Planet.

Additional links

International level

Since 2022, Uppsala is part of the first cohort of pilot cities from twenty-one EU and Horizon 2020 associated countries selected to launch unprecedented climate action through the NetZeroCities Pilot Cities program.