Digitalized farming systems

The initiative aims to implement innovative installations of climate-protected cultivation technologies in a vacant industrial property. The property offers a common digital and integrated infrastructure for all resource flows in cultivation, the property and the district heating network (in connection with Stokab, Stockholm Vatten, Stockholms Exergis Öppna Fjärrvärme and Stockholms Biokol).

The concept will help a number of small-scale production facilities increase their efficiency, sustainability and profitability. The project will also demonstrate opportunities for industrial synergies in an urban environment. The technology companies develop and/or scale up their own commercial systems and take part in a structured research effort from IVL and KTH. A tailored joint IT platform supports management and quality control and facilitates data collection.

The installation is designed as an economically and technically replicable concept. The project results in a 30% saving of thermal energy and higher resource efficiency, (95% water saving). CO2 emissions from climate-protected, local vegetable production and distribution are further reduced by connecting to the city's technical infrastructure.

This initiative is a continuation of the Digital controlled cultivation systems in industrial areas initiative.


  • Project manager: Irena Lundberg, Invest Stockholm Business Region
  • Partners/actor constellation: Invest Stockholm Business region; Stockholm Arbetsmarknadsförvaltning/EFAS enheten för näringslivssamverkan; Stockholm Exergi; Atrium Ljungberg; IVL, Svenska Miljöinstitutet; KTH, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Small and medium-sized enterprises: Greensight; Greenworks; Ecotopic; Arwalla; Farmy AB; Ecobloom; Kretsloppsbolaget; PE Teknik och Arkitektur
  • Total budget: SEK 5 874 000
  • Grant applied for: SEK 2 785 002
  • Start date: 1 April 2020
  • End date: 2021-12-31
  • Type of action: innovation
  • Keywords: district heating, urban farming, infrastructure integration, energy efficiency, circular economy, digitalization, smart and creative neighbourhoods.

More about the initiative
