Urban ICT Arena as a quadruple helix environment

for a sustainable energy transition

The pre-study is a feasibility study aimed at investigating the conditions for developing the Urban ICTArena test bed in Kista into a quadruple helix environment, with a focus on the link to local civil society. 

The goal of the initiative is for academia, business, public organisations and civil society to jointly tackle the energy challenge to accelerate the transition to a sustainable city. This increases the chances of solutions being implemented at all levels of society, right down to the individual level. In Kista, this is particularly challenging. 

In addition to being known for its innovation environment and ICT cluster, there are major social challenges in the surrounding neighborhoods. The project group has strong local support through the citizens' initiative Hopp i Järva, Kista Träff, Urban ICT Arena and the Electrum Foundation, which also owns the non-profit company Kista Science City AB. The housing developer SSM Holding AB is also participating. The work is led by the consulting company Sharing Capabilities AB.


  • Project manager: Marcus Anneroth, Kista Science City AB
  • Partners: Kista Science City AB, SSM Holdning AB, Kista Träff, Hopp i Järva, Sharing Capabilities AB.
  • Total budget: 800 000 SEK
  • Grant requested: SEK 400 000
  • Start date: 2018-08-13 
  • End date: 2018-12-14
  • Type of action: feasibility study
  • Keywords: Urban ICT Arena, test bed, quadruple helix, citizen dialogue, energy, civil society, Kista.