DDS Energy efficient care

The innovation project aims to improve energy efficiency in healthcare. Expected results are coordination of care process and property management, key figures for energy efficiency also reflecting care benefits, visual feedback, and increased knowledge of data management in a future-proof way. The value of the result is increased awareness of how digitalization can create collaboration to achieve energy-efficient care with less climate impact and knowledge of how good procurement should be carried out. 

The initiative covers three focus and four thematic areas and consists of four steps; 1) Preparation & basic installation, 2) Visualization, 3) Improve & expand, 4) Handover & exit. Challenges are coordination between care and property, secure data management with regard to operational and personal safety, analysis, presentation and feedback of information. Involved partners are Stockholm County Council, KTH, Vattenfall, Ericsson & Telia. The project is initiated by Digital Demo Stockholm, a collaboration between society, academia and industry.


  • Project manager: Leif Engström, Locum
  • Partners: Stockholm County Council with Locum and Danderyds Hospital (Project Owner), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Vattenfall AB, Ericsson AB, Telia AB.
  • Total budget: SEK 6 974 000
  • Grant requested: SEK 3 487 000
  • Start date: 2018-06-01
  • End date: 2020-06-30
  • Type of action: innovation
  • Keywords: energy efficiency, healthcare, real estate, digitalization, energy efficient, innovation

More about the initiative
