One roof, five opportunities - ecosystem services

The preliminary study aims to create conditions for a market-driven development of ecosystem services in the real estate industry. Research shows that the conditions for many ecosystem services have deteriorated radically. government agencies and municipalities work to strengthen and preserve ecosystem services, but the requirements are not harmonized and lack a "bottom-up perspective" where property owners can see themselves as natural actors.

The study will help to strengthen and accelerate the transition to climate-neutral cities by getting property owners to contribute more actively. The benefits of ecosystem services have been partly researched, but analyses from a real estate economic perspective are lacking. The study links a concrete property perspective to measures for ecosystem services. This is done through an inventory of obstacles and opportunities for property owners and an analysis of the ecological and economic contribution of five types of measures.

The analysis should provide a basis for recommendations to other property owners.


  • Project manager: Henrik Dahl, Future Position X
  • Partners: Future Position X, University of Gävle, Mässing Properties AB, Gavlefastigheter Gävle Kommun AB, Anthesis Enveco AB, Ekologigruppen Ekoplan AB.
  • Total budget: 920 000 SEK
  • Grant applied for: SEK 459 990
  • Start date: 2019-11-22 
  • End date: 2020-08-31
  • Type of initiative: feasibility study
  • Keywords: ecosystem services, market-driven development, real estate economics, socioeconomics, multidisciplinary.