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To succeed in the climate transition, we need to work together, towards common goals and with common strength. Viable Cities has several partnerships with various initiatives and initiatives to accelerate the transition to climate-neutral cities in 2030 with a good life for all within the planet's boundaries. 

  • All cooperation
  • International cooperation
  • National cooperation
Drive Sweden

In 2021, Viable Cities and its sibling program Drive Sweden joined forces to accelerate the climate transition in cities, with a focus on climate-neutral mobility.


The Swedish work with Climate City Contract 2030 inspires the design of the EU's Climate City Contract. This is clear since Viable Cities became one of the partners in the EU initiative NetZeroCities in the fall of 2021.

Nordic Transition Partnership (NTP)

NTP aims to accelerate the transition to climate neutrality by 2030 in small and medium-sized municipalities in the Nordic region. In the project, Viable Cities collaborates with Tampere in Finland, Reykjavik in Iceland, and Smart Innovation Norway in Norway.

Driving Urban Transitions (DUT)

The DUT aims to further strengthen the pursuit of sustainable cities and urban spaces. Three thematic areas are in focus in the program; Positive Energy Districts, 15 minutes cities and Circular Urban Economies.

Viable Cities International cooperation

Viable Cities is a main partner in CapaCITIES. CapaCITIES supports national and regional government agencies to advance their governance structures and develop platforms to achieve the mission of climate neutral cities.

Climate Smart Cities Challenge (CSCC)

The CSCC identifies obstacles to achieving the mission of climate-neutral cities, finds solutions to them and explores how they can be realized. The aim is to pave the way for new solutions, investments and business for sustainable urban development globally.


UniCities aims to support Ukraine's stakeholders in rebuilding the country's cities and communities in a climate-smart and sustainable way. UniCities is an EU initiative led by KTH.

Positive Energy Districts (PED)

Energy Positive Districts (PED) is an international program that contributes to the sustainable development of cities by rewarding energy efficiency, local energy production and flexibility of the energy system. The goal is to have 100 energy-positive districts in the EU by 2025.


ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities, ENUTC, is part of the European cooperation Joint Programming Initiative (JPI Urban Europé) which was established in 2010 to address today's global urban challenges.