Climate neutral Malmö 2030

Malmö works horizontally and internationally, focusing on roadmaps in seven priority areas for a common direction - local work for a global mission!

Malmö hooks arms with Höör and Landskrona.

Malmö and Höör and Landskrona's transition arena

Malmö focuses on implementing and developing seven roadmaps in priority areas, mobilizing more actors, and developing approaches and methods to scale, disseminate and share. At the heart of Malmö's approach is a new horizontal approach - Climate Transition Malmö.

The core of Malmö's approach is a new horizontal working method focusing on joint roadmaps in seven priority areas where strong efforts can have a major impact for Malmö and the planet: Climate-neutral construction, Electricity supply, Heating, Net zero organization, Mobility, Climate-smart consumption and Circular economy. In each transition area, the city works with roadmaps that show the direction and help to mobilize more actors in the transition through concrete measures to gather around. The roadmaps are living documents that are constantly evolving, making it possible to shift priorities based on a changing environment, progress and new decisions. 

To strengthen resilience, the focus is on certain organizational and individual characteristics. Successful transitions require good listeners and good storytellers, as well as innovation, collaboration, structure and transparency. And just as importantly, it requires persistence, knowledge and experience. In order to develop the process and strengthen the capacity for change, the process management in Malmö is developing a number of different strategies for, for example, learning, stakeholder collaboration, goals and impact monitoring.

There are strong links between the environment, climate and people, which is why Malmö's approach is that efforts and improvements in the environment and climate area should also have positive effects in other areas, such as more jobs, a better living environment for children and young people, increased security and strengthened competitiveness for the business sector. It is therefore also important to work actively to involve more actors from different sectors in the local transition work, so that the transition takes place jointly. 

Deep dive into Malmö's transition

In the city's latest update, they talk about the work, the transition arena, the project portfolio and much more.

The climate crisis is urgent and more cities nationally and globally know that we need to change. As some countries and governments back away from their commitments in the Paris Agreement, cities around the world want to step up. But to do so, we need to be included in the decision-making process and ensure that funding also reaches the local level. We also need to address the climate transition as a whole and succeed in solving several issues at the same time, as the climate crisis is closely linked to challenges of social inequality and growing exclusion. The green transition must be fair and not widen the gaps between people.
In the picture: Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh (S), Municipal Executive Chairman in the City of Malmö. Photo: ICLEI.
Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh (S)
Municipal Executive Chairman in the City of Malmö

peak and steal

Malmö highlights three initiatives that they believe could be of particular interest to other municipalities to spy and apply. Contact the process leader to spy and apply.

  • From sustainable building to sustainable living. Sege Park - one of Malmö's showcases for sustainable urban development - is starting to fill up with housing as more and more construction projects are completed. But how do we shift the focus from sustainable building to sustainable living in Sege Park? How do we work on strategies for citizen involvement in the transition between the construction and operational phases of the neighborhood? How can we build and live sustainably within planetary boundaries?
  • Malmö's climate transition - Malmö's efforts to make the transition. How do we work as a larger municipality to make the transition? How are we organized to contribute to a stronger transition capacity?
  • The communication campaign Unconsciously aware. How can we inspire Malmö residents to contribute to the climate transition?

Karlstad Climate City Contract 2030

Climate City Contract 2030 is a collective effort to achieve the climate transition that we need to implement in a short time to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. It is an agreement between municipalities, government agencies and Viable Cities where all parties undertake to make a concrete contribution to increasing the pace of climate change.

Malmö invests and tests

To achieve deep change, we need to move from fragmented projects to an ecosystem of efforts that all pull in the same direction. Cities are doing this together with Viable Cities, funders government agencies and other partners, in different constellations and with different objectives. It is about moving beyond dealing with symptoms and instead focusing on underlying problems in our social structure. Here you will find the initiatives and studies within the city that have been granted funding under Viable Cities.

[It does not appear that the city has any ongoing initiatives at this time.]

  • All calls
  • Accelerate
  • Alvesta
  • Arvika
  • reuse
  • Avesta
  • hospitality industry
  • Floor
  • Borås
  • Borlänge
  • The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning
  • Capabilities
  • Chalmers
  • CitiES2030
  • Climate Smart Cities Challenge
  • Climate-KIC
  • CoAction
  • Digitalization
  • Drive Sweden
  • Driving Urban Transition
  • Energy Authority
  • Enköping
  • ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities
  • Eskilstuna
  • EU
  • European Viable Cities Day
  • Falkenberg
  • Falköping
  • Formas
  • Research
  • Gävle
  • Global
  • Gothenburg
  • Gotland
  • Greentopia
  • Håbo
  • Halmstad
  • Härryda
  • Helsingborg
  • Höganäs
  • Halmstad University
  • Höör
  • IVL Swedish Environmental Institute
  • Järfälla
  • Jobs
  • squid
  • Karlskrona
  • Karlstad
  • Karlstad University
  • Climate investment and financing
  • Climate Communities
  • Climate competitiveness
  • climate city contract
  • Climate-neutral cities by 2030
  • Communication
  • Kristianstad
  • Kristinehamn
  • KTH
  • Royal Institute of Technology
  • Landskrona
  • Linköping
  • Linköping University
  • Lomma
  • Luleå
  • Lund
  • Lund University
  • M100
  • Malmö
  • Mariestad
  • Civic engagement and involvement
  • Mjölby
  • Mobility and accessibility
  • Mörbylånga
  • Nacka
  • The Nature Conservation Society
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • NetZeroCities
  • New European Bauhaus
  • Nordic Transition Partnership
  • Örebro
  • Örnsköldsvik
  • Östersund
  • Positive Energy Districts
  • Research institute of Sweden
  • RISE
  • collaboration
  • Sandviken
  • Sharing Cities Sweden
  • Skellefteå
  • Södertörn University
  • Urban planning and construction
  • State Agricultural University (SLU)
  • Stockholm
  • Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Storytelling
  • Sundsvall
  • Swedish Municipalities and Regions
  • Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU)
  • Sweden-US Green Transition Initiative
  • System demonstrators
  • Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
  • Tomelilla
  • Transport Authority
  • Transition Lab Forum
  • Trollhättan
  • twin cities
  • Ulricehamn
  • Umeå
  • Umeå University
  • UN-Habitat
  • UniCities
  • Upplands-Bro
  • Uppsala
  • Uppsala University
  • Calls for proposals
  • Värmdö
  • Växjö
  • Vinnova
  • WWF
Viable Cities System Demonstrator

Local Power aims to drive climate change adaptation together with e.g. property owners, associations and other stakeholders in the city of Malmö.

City as a Platform

City as a Platform is an innovation initiative that brings together 18 municipalities to explore, test, implement and collaborate on common IoT platforms...

Malmö works internationally

The City of Malmö was awarded the EU Mission Label in March 2024 for its efforts to accelerate the transition to a climate-neutral and sustainable city.

Malmö is part of the NetZeroCities 112 Mission Cities, selected since 2022 to pioneer the EU Cities Mission. 

Since 2022, Malmö is part of the first cohort of pilot cities from twenty-one EU Member States and Horizon 2020 associated countries, selected to launch unprecedented climate action, through the NetZeroCities Pilot Cities program.