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System demonstrator for the FAST transition of the transport system to SAMman's

SnabbSam - planning phase

In the system demonstrator SnabbSam, the City of Stockholm and its partners will work for a comprehensive change in travel habits, land use and vehicle fleet in the inner city of Stockholm. This is a step towards an emission-free inner city and a climate-positive Stockholm 2030. In Snabbsam, the environmental zone planned in central Stockholm will be used both as an engine and a window of opportunity in the quest for a transport-efficient and emission-free transport system that eventually extends far beyond the zone's boundaries.

SNABBSAM plans a broad system transformation in areas such as regulation and policy, infrastructure, vehicles and logistics, business models, behaviors and culture. The planning phase creates conditions for system demonstration by: 1) creating an understanding of the system to be transformed, 2) creating a portfolio of interventions and establishing structures for orchestration and portfolio management, and 3) creating a mandate by mobilizing actors and perspectives. This portfolio of actions will be demonstrated and contribute to an accelerated climate transition.

SNABBSAM is coordinated by the City of Stockholm and an orchestration team including IVL and Lindholmen Science Park. The team will develop an iterative process which, together with the partners, will be implemented in four work packages. The work packages focus on (1) system understanding, (2) developing the portfolio, (3) creating a mandate and mobilization, and (4) enabling learning, method development, scaling and dissemination. The results will be a portfolio of interventions that can be rapidly implemented in large-scale demonstrations.

This initiative is part of Viable Cities and Vinnova's call #12 System demonstrators for climate neutral cities, planning phase

Coordinator: Stockholm Municipality - Stockholm City Traffic Office

Grant applied for: SEK 970 225

Start date: October 2023

End date: June 2024

Type of action: planning phase system demonstrator

FastSam - design phase

FAST electrification and transition to zero-emission transport in SAMverkan (Stockholm, Järfälla, Nacka)

The purpose of the SnabbSam system demonstrator is to accelerate electrification in the Stockholm region and contribute to achieving the goal of an emission-free inner city in Stockholm by 2030. The goal of the Design phase is for the City of Stockholm, Järfälla and Nacka to work together to develop a common future picture of electrification in the region by 2030, address the key issues and conflicting goals that need to be resolved, and plan for stakeholder collaboration and citizen involvement (quadruple helix stakeholder collaboration).

This initiative is part of the Viable Cities and Vinnova's call #11 System demonstrators for climate neutral cities, design phase..

Coordinator: Stockholm Municipality - Stockholm City Traffic Office

Start date: 2022-08

End date: 2023-02

Type of action: design phase system demonstrator


Contact us

Annika Bergendahl, strategist at Trafikkontoret Stockholm,