Climate neutral Kalmar 2030

In Kalmar, the transition is taking place with electric vehicles, climate programs and a strong transition arena.

Kalmar hooks arms with Falkenberg and Mörbylånga.

Kalmar and Falkenberg and Mörbylånga's transition arena

Kalmar is transitioning together with a strong transition arena and towards the goal of becoming one of Sweden's best municipalities in ecological sustainability, climate transition and climate adaptation. They have, among other things, local Climate City Contract, local climate breakfasts, a million program for the climate, pilot projects for climate investments, and an award-winning transition to electric vehicles. 

Kalmar's long-term goal is to become one of Sweden's best municipalities in ecological sustainability, climate transition and climate adaptation. The municipality's ambition is also to become fossil fuel-free and climate-neutral by 2030. The municipality's administrations and companies are engaged and run a number of initiatives in close collaboration with external actors, and with support from Viable Cities, existing forms of collaboration have been strengthened and new ones have been developed. Local Climate City Contract for entrepreneurs was introduced in 2023 and there is now a wide range of large and small businesses with different experience and from different sectors. With the local climate breakfasts as a meeting place, the ambition is to create shared learning, provide inspiration and jointly build a sense of opportunity.

To achieve climate neutrality, Kalmar, in collaboration with farmers and biogas producers, is investing in establishing two plants for the production of liquid biogas. In parallel, an increase in the capacity of the existing combined heat and power plant is planned, which is a quick way to increase access to fossil-free heat and electricity. Through the Smart Procurement initiative, procurers are developing and testing new methods with the aim of increasing the proportion of circular goods and services purchased, and the municipality has begun work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in planned and ongoing construction projects through, among other things, recycling and climate-improved concrete. 

Major efforts are also being made in real estate and housing in Kalmar. Norrliden - a district in the Kalmar urban area with a high proportion of multi-family houses and rental apartments and many residents with lower incomes, lower levels of education and a higher proportion of foreign origin, compared to the municipal average - has extensive renovation needs. Many property owners are facing investment decisions that will have a high climate impact and Kalmar municipality is linking arms with local companies with the aim of accelerating the climate transition by developing the ability to identify, prioritize and jointly plan effective climate investments. In addition, focusing on the development of a centrally located industrial area, a transformation will take place into a sustainable, aesthetic and inclusive neighborhood of the entire 100 hectares. Together with businesses, property owners, landowners and other stakeholders, a vision for the area has been developed, which will be used to support future planning and development work. 

Deep dive into Kalmar's transition

In the city's latest update, they talk about the work, the transition arena, the project portfolio and much more.

Oops, it was empty!

The National Climate Contract is a statement that signals that we are part of a larger transition than the one taking place locally. It increases our opportunities for direct contact with decision-makers and experts at different levels, locally and nationally. It brings together our positions on climate and social development work.
In the photo: Johan Persson (S), municipal executive Chairman in Kalmar municipality.
Johan Persson (S)
Municipal Executive Board Chairman in Kalmar municipality

peak and steal

Kalmar highlights two initiatives that they believe could be of particular interest to other municipalities to spy and apply. Contact the process leader to spy and apply.

  • Cooperation with the green industries. The green industries are important for Kalmar's development. The municipality has worked long-term with farmers and biogas producers to establish large-scale biogas production. The work has yielded good results and the external biogas producers who have become interested in Kalmar municipality's work are now driving their respective processes through detailed planning work and environmental studies. Two independent establishments (Gasum and Biokraft) may be established in the municipality. The plants are similar in design and aim to produce between 125 and 250 GWh. The investment cost for a plant is estimated at at least 650 million, where the main substrate is manure. The biggest obstacle is that it takes time to connect to the electricity grid and then get the power needed.
  • Transition to electric vehicles. The municipality of Kalmar received the 2030 Secretariat's award "Laddguldet 2023" thanks to, among other things, investments in charging stations, a near 100% renewable municipal vehicle fleet and requirements in procurement, cooperation with car dealers and a recurring environmental car fair, public car pool, Kalmar Öland Airport's work with eco-fuel, electric aviation and solar charging, the administrations' and companies' charging stations shared with the public, and establishment offer for private charging actors to set up charging stations on public land.

Kalmar Climate City Contract 2030

Climate City Contract 2030 is a collective effort to achieve the climate transition that we need to implement in a short time to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. It is an agreement between municipalities, government agencies and Viable Cities where all parties undertake to make a concrete contribution to increasing the pace of climate change.

Kalmar invests and tests

To achieve deep change, we need to move from fragmented projects to an ecosystem of efforts that all pull in the same direction. Cities are doing this together with Viable Cities, funders government agencies and other partners, in different constellations and with different objectives. It is about moving beyond dealing with symptoms and instead focusing on underlying problems in our social structure. Here you will find the initiatives and studies within the city that have been granted funding under Viable Cities.

[It does not appear that the city has any ongoing initiatives at this time.]

  • All calls
  • Accelerate
  • Alvesta
  • Arvika
  • Avesta
  • Floor
  • Borås
  • Borlänge
  • The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning
  • Capabilities
  • Chalmers
  • CitiES2030
  • Climate Smart Cities Challenge
  • Climate-KIC
  • CoAction
  • Digitalization
  • Drive Sweden
  • Driving Urban Transition
  • Energy Authority
  • Enköping
  • ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities
  • Eskilstuna
  • EU
  • European Viable Cities Day
  • Falkenberg
  • Falköping
  • Formas
  • Research
  • Gävle
  • Global
  • Gothenburg
  • Gotland
  • Greentopia
  • Håbo
  • Halmstad
  • Härryda
  • Helsingborg
  • Höganäs
  • Halmstad University
  • Höör
  • IVL Swedish Environmental Institute
  • Järfälla
  • Jobs
  • squid
  • Karlskrona
  • Karlstad
  • Karlstad University
  • Climate investment and financing
  • Climate Communities
  • Climate competitiveness
  • climate city contract
  • Climate-neutral cities by 2030
  • Communication
  • Kristianstad
  • Kristinehamn
  • KTH
  • Royal Institute of Technology
  • Landskrona
  • Linköping
  • Linköping University
  • Lomma
  • Luleå
  • Lund
  • Lund University
  • M100
  • Malmö
  • Mariestad
  • Civic engagement and involvement
  • Mjölby
  • Mobility and accessibility
  • Mörbylånga
  • Nacka
  • The Nature Conservation Society
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • NetZeroCities
  • New European Bauhaus
  • Nordic Transition Partnership
  • Örebro
  • Örnsköldsvik
  • Östersund
  • Positive Energy Districts
  • Research institute of Sweden
  • RISE
  • Sandviken
  • Sharing Cities Sweden
  • Skellefteå
  • Södertörn University
  • Urban planning and construction
  • State Agricultural University (SLU)
  • Stockholm
  • Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Storytelling
  • Sundsvall
  • Swedish Municipalities and Regions
  • Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU)
  • Sweden-US Green Transition Initiative
  • System demonstrators
  • Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
  • Tomelilla
  • Transport Authority
  • Transition Lab Forum
  • Trollhättan
  • twin cities
  • Ulricehamn
  • Umeå
  • Umeå University
  • UN-Habitat
  • UniCities
  • Upplands-Bro
  • Uppsala
  • Uppsala University
  • Calls for proposals
  • Värmdö
  • Växjö
  • Vinnova
  • WWF
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