Call label Internal calls

Call #15 System demonstrators in practice

Viable Cities System Demonstrator
In the System Demonstrators in Practice call, the system demonstrator moves from the planning phase to establishment and implementation. The larger budget included in this phase makes it possible to gather stakeholders on a broad front and implement the measures identified to achieve the system demonstrator's mission. Two projects were granted funding in the planning phase, SnabbSam in Stockholm and CoAction in Lund, and only they can apply for and be granted funding in this call.

Call #14 Climate Neutral Cities 2030 3.0

Call #14. Photo: Giu Vicente via Unsplash
We must act together quickly and forcefully to meet the climate challenge. Call #14: Climate-neutral cities 2030 3.0 will help to boost climate and sustainability work in cities with high ambitions for the transition. The initiative opens up for more cities to take the lead in accelerating the local transition journey and scaling up the transition for greater impact in a shorter time frame, while helping to manage multiple crises.

Call #12 System demonstrators for climate neutral cities, planning phase

Viable Cities System Demonstrator
Join us in helping to achieve climate-neutral and sustainable cities already in 2030. You can now apply for funding for feasibility study projects that strengthen and accelerate the climate transition in cities, while contributing to a good life for everyone within the boundaries of the planet. Vinnova, Viable Cities and several cities in the Climate Neutral Cities 2030 initiative are now developing a new tool to achieve this - system demonstrators. At this stage, the call is only aimed at the wave 1 cities in the initiative: Enköping, Gothenburg, Järfälla, Lund, Malmö, Stockholm, Umeå, Uppsala and Växjö.

Call #11 System demonstrators for climate neutral cities, design phase

Viable Cities System Demonstrator
Join us in helping to achieve climate-neutral and sustainable cities already in 2030. You can now apply for funding for feasibility study projects that strengthen and accelerate the climate transition in cities, while contributing to a good life for everyone within the boundaries of the planet. Vinnova, Viable Cities and several cities in the Climate Neutral Cities 2030 initiative are now developing a new tool to achieve this - system demonstrators. At this stage, the call is only aimed at the wave 1 cities in the initiative: Enköping, Gothenburg, Järfälla, Lund, Malmö, Stockholm, Umeå, Uppsala and Växjö.

Call #10 Solutions for sustainable mobility in European-Chinese cooperation program

Do you want to contribute to the development of sustainable urban mobility? Now you can apply for support for Swedish participation in the call for proposals within the European-Chinese cooperation program ERA-Net Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity Sino-European. The Swedish Energy Agency and Vinnova with Viable Cities and Drive Sweden together announce about SEK 9 million to Swedish actors.

Call #9 Energy-positive neighborhoods for climate-neutral cities

Help create energy-positive districts and contribute to climate-neutral cities. You can now apply for support in a call within the European cooperation PED - Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for Sustainable Urban Development. The budget for the call is approximately SEK 15 million for actors active in Sweden who can contribute to European innovation and demonstration projects in the areas of the call.

Call #8 Climate Neutral Cities 2030 2.0

We are now welcoming new cities to our climate neutral and sustainable cities initiative. We are looking for Swedish municipalities that together with local partners, and us, want to work for the mission Climate Neutral Cities 2030 with a good life for all within the boundaries of the planet. Our vision is that through our joint work we inspire and lead the way in the climate transition both in Europe and globally.

Call #6 Innovation management for innovative, sustainable and climate-neutral cities

Do you want to help strengthen the innovation capacity of Swedish cities? In order for them to become innovative, sustainable and climate neutral cities in a powerful way, they need innovation management support. The call will result in a grant project where several actors together develop and provide innovation management services to 15 existing municipal projects.

Call #5 Energy Positive Neighborhoods

Do you want to help create energy-positive districts and thus climate-neutral cities? You can now apply for support in a pilot call within the European collaboration Positive Energy Districts (PED). The budget for the call is approximately SEK 6 million for actors operating in Sweden who can contribute to European innovation and demonstration projects in the areas of the call.

Call #3 Climate Neutral Cities 2030

Do you want to help strengthen the innovation capacity of Swedish cities? In order for them to become innovative, sustainable and climate neutral cities in a powerful way, they need innovation management support. The call will result in a grant project where several actors together develop and provide innovation management services to 15 existing municipal projects.