Call #6
Closed on September 15, 2020
Do you want to help strengthen the innovation capacity of Swedish cities? In order for them to become innovative, sustainable and climate neutral cities in a powerful way, they need innovation management support. The call will result in a grant project where several actors together develop and provide innovation management services to 15 existing municipal projects.
Development and adaptation of innovation management services. These services may include new methods, tools and models for innovation management with particular relevance to this area. During the project, the services will be offered and used by municipalities and their partners in the form of, for example, process and method support, mapping and coaching and facilitation.
All legal entities, such as companies, non-profit organizations and research organizations, which together have expertise in developing and providing services in innovation management. The project must be implemented by a constellation of at least three actors.
The maximum grant for the project funded in the call is SEK 5 500 000. The total budget may be higher than this, provided that participating actors provide co-financing. The coordinating party may apply for a maximum of 40 percent of the total grant awarded to the project, and other parties may apply for a maximum of 30 percent of the total grant.
The call is based on an inventory (of 15 existing municipal projects) on the need for innovation management support carried out by Viable Cities and Vinnova - Sweden's innovation agency. Applications in this call must clearly relate to the needs and approach for innovation management support described in the call text. The call must result in a grant project in which several actors together develop and provide innovation management services to the 15 municipal projects.
The call is therefore aimed at actors who can support municipalities and not at the municipalities themselves. The awarded project will be designed, implemented and developed in close dialog with Vinnova and Viable Cities.
18 May 2020
Call opens
10 June 2020
Information meeting with matchmaking
15 September 2020
Deadline for applications
30 October 2020
Decisions are notified
November 2020
Project launch
More detailed information on the thematic areas can be found in the full call text.
To apply for funding, you need to log in and fill in an application form in Vinnova's portal, Intressentportalen. The form contains questions about the project, project partners and budget.
On June 10, an information meeting was organized with the possibility of matchmaking, where potential applicants can find each other and exchange ideas and proposals for project design. Some of the municipal projects will participate in this event to describe their needs. During the matchmaking meeting, interested applicants in the call will be given the opportunity to pitch their ideas.
There is also a group on LinkedIn to connect with other interested stakeholders.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us:
Anna Wall, Call Manager, Vinnova:
Åsa Minoz, Innovation Strategist, Viable Cities: