Urban transformation capacity for sustainable cities

ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities
Call #7
Closed 15 April 2021

The need for a rapid sustainable transformation of our cities and neighborhoods has never been greater. In this call, researchers, municipalities, companies, civil society and other relevant stakeholders are invited to apply for funding to develop urban transition capacity in transnational consortia that can contribute to more sustainable urban development.

We are now welcoming new cities to our climate neutral and sustainable cities initiative. We are looking for Swedish municipalities that together with local partners, and us, want to work for the mission Climate Neutral Cities 2030 with a good life for all within the boundaries of the planet. Our vision is that through our joint work we inspire and lead the way in the climate transition both in Europe and globally.

The following cities are currently participating in the initiative: Enköping, Gothenburg, Järfälla, Lund, Malmö, Stockholm, Umeå, Uppsala and Växjö. The call is aimed at them, as well as up to 11 "new" cities.

Who can apply?

Research and innovation projects that address how urban transition capacity can contribute to more sustainable urban development, for example by exploring and contributing to solving challenges in the areas of: urban circular economy, resident-based development and urban ecosystems for innovation, robust and resilient urban infrastructure and the built environment.

What should the consortium look like?

Each proposal must consist of a project consortium of at least three eligible applicants from at least three participating countries (see below). There is no limit to the total number of partners. Projects should include transnational cooperation and clearly demonstrate the added value of the cooperation.

How much can you apply for?

In this call, a total of approximately EUR 2.8 million is available for project participants active in Sweden. The authorities are expected to fund around 7-9 projects in this call. The size of the grant depends, among other things, on the amount of eligible costs incurred by the participant, whether the participant is a non-economic actor or a company, and the research and innovation category to which the activities are considered to belong. The total call budget is EUR 18.4 million.

What do we want to achieve with this call?

We must act together quickly and forcefully to create a sustainable world. The ENUTC call offers the opportunity to fund projects that explore and contribute to:

  • Urban circular economy

  • Citizen-based development and urban ecosystems for innovation

  • Robust and resilient urban infrastructure and built environment

The call is divided into two stages, with applicants submitting a project outline in stage one and a full application in stage two.

Important dates

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Read the call text

Read the call text

More detailed information on the thematic areas can be found in the full call text.

How to apply

The call is carried out in a two-step process: in the first step the applicant submits project outlines, and in the second step a full application. Outlines must be submitted by April 15, 2021 at 14:00 (CET). Full applications must be submitted by September 23, 2021 at 14:00 (CET).  

  • Project outlines and full applications should be submitted by the main applicant to the electronic application system,UDiManager . More information is available on theJPI Urban Europe website

  • International consortia applying for funding choose who will be the lead applicant. The lead applicant enters the details of all participating applicants from other countries in the application system.  

  • Information on which applications will proceed to stage 2 will be sent by the call secretariat in June 2021 to the main applicants.   

  • A complete application including Swedish actors must also be submitted to the Swedish Energy Agency, after September 23, when the complete application is submitted to UDiManager.  

For full details , please consult theEuropean call for proposals and thenational callfor proposals (full call text). 

Note: The national call text/Full call text is a summary in Swedish of the full European call text/Call for proposals. The national call text includes a description of the costs for which Swedish applicants can receive a grant. The applicant should read and follow all instructions in the European call text and read the national requirements in Annex A.

Support for applicants

February 8 15.00-16.30 National information meeting with matchmaking. The recording can be viewed afterwards.

February 18 European information meeting, can be viewed afterwards on the JPI Urban Europe website.

9 March 10.00-12.00 European matchmaking meeting, available on the JPI Urban Europe website.

If you are looking for interested actors in Sweden and other countries to participate in the ENUTC call, please register at B2MATCH.

Contact us

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us:

Emina Pasic, national contact person Swedish Energy Agency emina.pasic@energimyndigheten.se +46 16 544 21 89

Ann Maudsley, national contact person for the call, Formas ann.maudsley@formas.se +46 (0)8 775 41 30

Patrik Rydén, contact person Viable Cities, patrik.ryden@viablecities.se,+46 73-399 86 19

The ENUTC call is part of the European cooperation JPI Urban Europe, an initiative that promotes cross-border coordination of research and innovation for urban development. The initiative involves 16 research funding bodies from 14 European countries. The aim is to fund selected research and innovation projects with a total budget of approximately EUR 18.4 million. The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC) is supported by the European Commission and funded through the Horizon 2020 ERA-NET Cofund scheme under grant agreement no. 101003758.

Participating countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden.

Funding government agencies in Sweden: Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.