Energy-positive neighbourhoods for climate-neutral cities

Call #9
Closed on February 24, 2022
Funding available approximately 7 million EURO.

Help create energy-positive districts and contribute to climate-neutral cities. You can now apply for support for this in a call within the European cooperation PED - Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for Sustainable Urban Development. The budget for the call is approximately SEK 15 million for actors active in Sweden who can contribute to European innovation and demonstration projects in the areas of the call.

Who can apply?

The call is aimed at business, research institutes, academia, public actors and civil society organizations. The project consortium must consist of at least three independent actors from at least two of these stakeholder groups.

What should the consortium look like?

Projects should include transnational cooperation and clearly demonstrate the added value of the cooperation. Each project proposal must consist of a project consortium of at least three eligible applicants from at least two participating countries.

How much can you apply for?

The budget for the call is approximately SEK 15 million for actors active in Sweden who can contribute to European innovation and demonstration projects in the areas covered by the call.

What do we want to achieve with this call?

This call on energy-positive neighborhoods is the second in a series of calls. The call is intended for projects with a duration of two to three years and addressing at least one of the following two thematic areas:

  1. PED for climate neutrality: transformation of existing neighborhoods
  2. Realizing PED: process innovation and business models


Important dates

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More about the call

Read the call text

More detailed information on the thematic areas can be found in the full call text.

How to apply

Applications should be submitted to the electronic application system of the Austria Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The deadline is 12:00 (CET) on February 24, 2022.

Support for applicants

On November 3 at 15:30-17:00, an information meeting was arranged about what applies to Swedish actors. Presentations were given by FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Viable Cities and the Swedish Energy Agency. The recording and presentation from this meeting is available afterwards.

On November 9 at 13:30-15:00 an international information meeting was organized..

On November 17 at 15:30-17:00, a Swedish matchmaking event will be arranged. During the meeting, matchmaking and networking will take place to make it easier for interested actors to find other Swedish partners to develop an application with. For those who wish, there is an opportunity to make a short pitch (3 minutes) of a project idea or activity in order to build a consortium for the application together with other actors in Sweden.

On 24 November at 13:30-14:30, an international online matchmaking event will be organized. where you have the opportunity to find project partners for your projects.

Contact us

We provided support until 16:00 on the day the call closes.

Emina Pasic, Swedish Energy Agency,, 016-544 21 89

Patrik Rydén, Viable Cities,, 073-399 86 19

Viable Cities Call #9: Energy Positive Districts for Climate Neutral Cities is a transnational call within the European collaboration Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for Sustainable Urban Development (PED) where actors from different EU countries are invited to apply for funding. The cooperation and the call is run at EU level by the PED Program (SET Plan 3.2 - Smart Cities and Communities) and JPI Urban Europe, an initiative that promotes cross-border coordination of research and innovation for urban development.