Call #15
Only open for CoAction in Lund and SnabbSam Stockholm.
Closes May 1, 2024.
In call #15 System demonstrators in practice, the system demonstrator goes from the planning phase to establishment and implementation. Two projects were granted funding in the planning phase, SnabbSam in Stockholm and CoAction in Lund, and they are the only ones that can apply for and be granted funding in System Demonstrators in this call.
The offer is addressed to the Municipality of Lund and the City of Stockholm. academia, business, public actors and civil society will be included in the consortium. During the project period, it will be possible to both add and subtract parties to the constellation.
Granted projects can receive a maximum of SEK 20 million in the call. The grant can constitute a maximum of 50 percent of the project's total eligible costs.
The starting point for the System Demonstrators initiative is to clearly contribute to the mission set out in Climate City Contract 2030: Climate-neutral cities by 2030 with a good life for all within the limits of the planet. As part of this mission, extensive and groundbreaking transformation is required in many areas, such as planning and the built environment; transport and infrastructure; the energy system; and lifestyle and consumption.
To some extent, the measures required for this transition are well known, and in the municipalities that are the focus of this call, several methods, strategies and programs are already in place. However, current efforts need to be strengthened with a clearer system perspective to accelerate the transition to the extent and speed required to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.
Achieving climate neutrality by 2030 requires bold new approaches that target change in multiple parts of a system simultaneously. This is what system demonstrators are meant to do, as a force for mobilizing and deepening the transition within the long-term process of Climate City Contract 2030.
The initiative, which is a joint effort by Vinnova, Viable Cities and the Swedish Energy Agency, aims to enable radical actions for transition with a focus on scaling up and creating the "new normal " in areas that are important for making transition happen in practice.
The first step in the initiative on system demonstrators for climate-neutral cities was call #11: System demonstrators - design phase. This call was open to the first nine cities that signed Climate City Contract 2030, and could be applied for in spring 2022. Six projects were granted funding in call #11, where the aim was to develop ideas and proposals for system demonstrators, mobilize stakeholders, identify obstacles and deepen the understanding of the system. The project period was September 2022 - February 2023.
The second part of the initiative on system demonstrators is structured in two calls, System Demonstrators - Planning Phase and System Demonstrators in Practice (this call). The purpose of the planning phase is to create the processes, structures and functions necessary to establish a full-scale system demonstrator for climate-neutral cities.
Completion of the Planning Phase is a prerequisite for receiving support in System Demonstrators in Practice.
1 March 2024
Call opens
1 May 2024
Closing date for applications
1 June 2024
Latest decision date
June 14, 2024
Project launch
1 July 2026
End of project
More detailed information can be found in the full call text.
Olle Dierks, Viable Cities,
Viable Cities Call #15: System Demonstrators is part of the mission of climate-neutral cities 2030. To accelerate the climate transition, we need to work together in new ways across society between actors in the public sector, business, universities and research institutes and civil society. We also need, based on the mission of climate-neutral and sustainable cities 2030, to create a clear and long-term common direction in efforts from the local, regional, national and international levels.