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Etikett CitiES2030

Svenska och spanska städer med ett gemensamt Development Statement: Development Declaration for the Cities Mission: Upscaling the EU Cities Mission - European cities and platforms joining hands

En gemensam röst för europeiska städer och plattformar

De fjorton svenska och spanska städerna bland 112 europeiska missionsstäder har skapat en gemensam deklaration för EUs Cities Mission – Development Declaration for the Cities Mission: Upscaling the EU Cities Mission - European cities and platforms joining hands. Syftet är att stärka och utveckla arbetet med missionen, accelerera takten i omställningsarbetet och stödja städer i deras viktiga arbete för klimatneutralitet till 2030.
Läs merEn gemensam röst för europeiska städer och plattformar
The delivery of the Swedish input to a joint Development Statement at the 1st Swedish Cities Mission Forum. Photography: Malin Grönborg

Spain and Sweden joining hands to scale the EU Cities Mission

The EU Cities Mission to deliver 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 include seven Swedish cities; Gothenburg, Gävle, Helsingborg, Lund, Malmö, Stockholm and Umeå. The seven Swedish Mission Cities have formed a joint Development Statement, which solidifies the Swedish cities’ support of the visions of the Spanish Mission Cities, as well as stresses the need for a common strategy on “scaling as the new normal” when working towards climate neutral and sustainable cities. The statement was presented at the 1st Swedish Cities Mission Forum in Umeå, Sweden, on May 29th 2024.
Läs merSpain and Sweden joining hands to scale the EU Cities Mission
Representanter från omkring 25 av de 112 missionsstäderna i Europa var närvarande på NetZeroCities Spring School.

Värme under ett kallt Stockholm Spring School 

Rummet var fullt av värme och energi under Stockholm Spring School den 24:e till 26:e april. Detta uppskattades av deltagarna, då staden inte visade upp sitt mest välkomnande väder för representanterna från städer över hela Europa. Personer från omkring 25 av de 112 missionsstäderna i Europa var närvarande på NetZeroCities Spring School, anordnad av Politecnico di Milano (Polimi) och Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), i Stockholm. Tidigare upplagor av Seasonal School har tagit plats i Spanien, Italien och Ungern.
Läs merVärme under ett kallt Stockholm Spring School 
Olga Kordas recieves the first ever CitiES2030 award in Madrid

Olga Kordas awarded prize for inspiring Spain

An inspiration, partner and best ally. Last week, CitiES2030, a Spanish sibling to Viable Cities, awarded Olga Kordas a formal prize for the work of Viable Cities as a pioneer and inspiration for building the national platform for Spanish cities to become climate neutral. The ceremony was held in the City Hall of Madrid during an event bringing together the Spanish mission cities, representatives of the Spanish government, industry, academia, civil society and public sector.
Läs merOlga Kordas awarded prize for inspiring Spain
Viable Cities Klimatfrukost

Klimatfrukost 25: Leadership and capacity building for climate neutral cities 2030

The transition to become climate neutral 2030 requires that cities work in new ways. In this climate breakfast we explore how the cities of Valencia and Stockholm have handled this challenge in terms of leadership, organisation and capacity building. We also learn more about new tools such as portfolio management and the role of intermediary organisations such as citiES 2030 in Spain and Viable Cities in Sweden, for supporting this development.
Läs merKlimatfrukost 25: Leadership and capacity building for climate neutral cities 2030