At a seminar during the Almedalen week, the strategic innovation program Smart Sustainable Cities launched its new name: ViableCities.During the fall, information and graphics will be updated, and soon will be where you will find all the news about the program.The seminar at Almedalen was filled to the brim with interested audiences who are committed to smart and sustainable cities in Sweden. The panel included politicians, researchers, and experts who are involved in the innovation program and shared examples of their organizations' work to contribute to the development.The seminar during the Almedalen week is the start of the ViableCities roadmap, which will form the basis for the calls for proposals from the program.
Participated did:
Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, Malmö City Council
Ann-Sofie Hermansson, City of Gothenburg
Roger Mogert, City of Stockholm
Mikael Anneroth, Ericsson
Margareta Rönngren, Umeå municipality
Claus Popp Larsen, RISE
Amy Rader Olsson, IQ Samhällsbyggnad and the SIP Smart Built Environment
Erik Brandsma, Swedish Energy Agency
Johan Falk, Intel
Åsa Petterson, Scania
Catarina Naucler, Fortum