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Label Enköping

Climate Neutral Enköping 2030 is part of Viable Cities' initiative Climate Neutral Cities 2030. Here you will find the latest news about Enköping municipality.

European Viable Cities Day 2021

Climate City Contract 2030 is revised every year, evolving and sharpening every year to accelerate the transition to climate-neutral, sustainable cities. The first version was signed in December 2020 by nine cities, four government agencies and the Viable Cities program. On 8 December...

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Swedish cities and government agencies inspire climate change in Europe

23 cities and five government agencies are now working with Climate City Contract 2030 as a tool to achieve the mission - climate neutral and sustainable cities by 2030. During the European Viable Cities Day 2021, the work was manifested with a signing ceremony. European guests and representatives from all 23 cities and five government agencies shared how we can accelerate the climate transition together.
Read moreSwedish cities and government agencies inspire climate change in Europe

Europe's first Climate City Contract signed in Sweden today

Today, December 11, 2020, is a big day for the climate transition in cities. The first climate contracts in Europe have now been signed by the political leadership of nine Swedish cities as well as by the Directors-General of four government agencies and Viable Cities. "Swedish cities are now taking the lead in Europe," says Allan Larsson, Chairman of the Board of Viable Cities.

Read moreEurope's first Climate City Contract signed in Sweden today

On the blog: Right now in Järfälla - an old airport becomes a sustainable neighbourhood

Self-driving buses, collaboration with construction companies and an ambitious carbon budget. These are some of the things happening in Järfälla municipality as they work towards a climate-neutral city. Read more about the construction of the new Barkarbystaden area in the fourth blog post from the cities in the Climate Neutral Cities 2030 initiative. Progress reports from Enköping, Växjö and Lund have already been published.

Read moreOn the blog: Right now in Järfälla - an old airport becomes a sustainable neighbourhood

On the blog: Towards climate-neutral cities by 2030 - Right now in Enköping.

The municipality of Enköping is testing new solutions at Myran, a 74 hectare development area in the municipality, to learn and achieve the goal of a completely climate-neutral municipality by 2030. They are also giving young people a voice in urban development. On our blog, project manager Thomas Adlercreutz explains the current situation.

Read moreOn the blog: Towards climate-neutral cities by 2030 - Right now in Enköping.