Label Formas

Formas is one of the funding authorities of Viable Cities, which is also a signatory to Climate City Contract 2030. Here you can find the latest news about Formas.

48 Swedish municipalities sign Climate City Contract 2030 and Declarations of Intent during European Viable Cities Day 2024. Photographer: Fredrik Persson.

48 cities link arms in global climate transition

48 Swedish municipalities, representing more than half of Sweden's population, are now joining forces for the climate transition from local to global level. During the European Viable Cities Day, the highest political leadership from the municipalities, directors general from government agencies and other Swedish and international key actors gather to strengthen the mobilization for the climate across national borders.
Read more48 cities link arms in global climate transition
Climate Contract Authorities' team and management group, November 9, 2022.

Local project portfolios - a test of government support for urban transformation

If you have experience in running externally funded projects in a municipality, you know how difficult it is to get an overview of other ongoing projects. An overview that would facilitate coordination, learning and scaling up. We government agencies who also sign Viable Cities Climate City Contract 2030 are now trying to find a solution to this.
Read moreLocal project portfolios - a test of government support for urban transformation
Viable Cities Civic engagement in the city

Almedalen 2023

We are organizing 2 sessions, and partnering for a day at the Sustainability Arena at Teaterskeppet. We look forward to the sessions that have broad representation from political leaders in cities, key actors from national government agencies, the European Commission and our sister program in Spain CitiES2030. Together we accelerate the transition to Climate Neutral Cities 2030!
Read moreAlmedalen 2023

100 sustainability champions: Viable Cities program manager and more collaborations

Today, the list of Sweden's 100 most powerful sustainability leaders was released and we at Viable Cities are proud that both our program manager Olga Kordas and vice Chairman Anders Wijkman once again take place on the list, this time place 38 and place 18. Several with connections to Viable Cities are on the list, click on the title to read more.

Read more100 sustainability champions: Viable Cities program manager and more collaborations

Multi level governance in practice

Patrick Child, mission manager for climate neutral and smart cities and deputy director general of DG ENV, is visiting Sweden in the context of the Swedish presidency in the European Union. Today, Viable Cities hosted a meeting where the acceleration of the mission was discussed with participants from multiple levels; European, national, local. Prominent participants from the European Commission, Swedish government agencies, the City of Stockholm, and stakeholders from different parts of society.
Read moreMulti level governance in practice

External call for proposals from Formas: Climate neutral and inclusive municipalities

The societal challenges we face relate not only to climate change but also to housing segregation, exclusion and health inequalities. With less than 10 years to go before the 2030 Agenda goals are achieved, the time to act is now. It's time to turn knowledge into action and ensure that research is put to good use in order to transition to a sustainable society that does not exceed the planetary boundaries.

Read moreExternal call for proposals from Formas: Climate neutral and inclusive municipalities

Swedish cities and government agencies inspire climate change in Europe

23 cities and five government agencies are now working with Climate City Contract 2030 as a tool to achieve the mission - climate neutral and sustainable cities by 2030. During the European Viable Cities Day 2021, the work was manifested with a signing ceremony. European guests and representatives from all 23 cities and five government agencies shared how we can accelerate the climate transition together.
Read moreSwedish cities and government agencies inspire climate change in Europe

New call: ENUTC - European projects for sustainable urban development

The world's cities are facing major challenges. We need to act quickly, forcefully and together to contribute to more sustainable urban development. You can now apply for support within ENUTC to explore how research and innovation in urban transition processes can contribute to sustainable urban development. The Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Viable Cities together announce approximately SEK 28 million to Swedish actors in 7-9 projects.

Read moreNew call: ENUTC - European projects for sustainable urban development

Europe's first Climate City Contract signed in Sweden today

Today, December 11, 2020, is a big day for the climate transition in cities. The first climate contracts in Europe have now been signed by the political leadership of nine Swedish cities as well as by the Directors-General of four government agencies and Viable Cities. "Swedish cities are now taking the lead in Europe," says Allan Larsson, Chairman of the Board of Viable Cities.

Read moreEurope's first Climate City Contract signed in Sweden today

Sharing Cities new website

Sharing Cities is a national program for the sharing economy in cities, which is linked to Viable Cities and is funded by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency. Through testbeds, the program will develop and evaluate sharing services and digital solutions The program operates in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Malmö and...

Read moreSharing Cities new website

Press release: Nearly one billion SEK for research on sustainable cities

The strategic innovation program Viable Cities is now starting - the largest investment to date in Sweden in research and innovation on smart and sustainable cities. SEK 960 million over twelve years will be invested in the program, which is led by KTH and brings together some 50 actors from several different research fields as well as business, government, municipalities and civil society.

Read morePress release: Nearly one billion SEK for research on sustainable cities