Label Linköping

Climate Neutral Linköping 2030 is part of Viable Cities' initiative Climate Neutral Cities 2030. Here you will find the latest news about Linköping municipality.

48 Swedish municipalities sign Climate City Contract 2030 and Declarations of Intent during European Viable Cities Day 2024. Photographer: Fredrik Persson.

48 cities link arms in global climate transition

48 Swedish municipalities, representing more than half of Sweden's population, are now joining forces for the climate transition from local to global level. During the European Viable Cities Day, the highest political leadership from the municipalities, directors general from government agencies and other Swedish and international key actors gather to strengthen the mobilization for the climate across national borders.
Read more48 cities link arms in global climate transition

48 municipalities join forces for the climate

48 of Sweden's 290 municipalities are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis. It is now clear which cities, together with Viable Cities and six government agencies , will join forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where the EU is taking the lead and Swedish cities are pioneers.
Read more48 municipalities join forces for the climate

Climate Breakfast 39: Developing procurement to accelerate the climate transition

This fall's first Climate Breakfast will focus on procurement to accelerate the climate transition. Procurement can be a powerful tool to drive a faster transition to climate-neutral and sustainable cities, but how? How can local authorities take a leading role? What are the key areas? What examples of new ways of working on this exist today?
Read moreClimate Breakfast 39: Developing procurement to accelerate the climate transition
Pictured: Quality of life in the Vallastaden district, Linköping.

Linköping sets up climate council, hosts dragon's nest and launches smart map

Linköping tells us, among other things, about the climate investment plan for transport they developed together with Linköping University, how they developed a model for category management and worked on an environmental commuting analysis, that they allocated funds for test bed checks and launched a smart map where you can rent, share, exchange, borrow, repair and buy reused. Read also about the five priority areas Linköping is focusing on and the initiatives, networks and project groups that are bubbling with commitment!
Read moreLinköping sets up climate council, hosts dragon's nest and launches smart map

Climate Breakfast 32: Driving competitiveness through the climate transition

Competitive businesses in climate-neutral cities - how do we accelerate collaboration between municipalities andbusiness? The role of businesses in the climate transition has become increasingly high on the agenda in Sweden and internationally. Viable Cities is therefore investing in the Climate Competitiveness initiative in 2023 to accelerate collaboration between municipalitiesbusiness to both strengthen companies and achieve the mission.
Read moreClimate Breakfast 32: Driving competitiveness through the climate transition

Climate Breakfast 30: Public mobility for climate-neutral cities

Much of the emissions in cities come from the transportation of people and goods, making mobility a key issue in the transition to climate-neutral cities. Climate Breakfast 30 explored how the mobility of the future can be designed for the transition; what sustainable climate-neutral mobility and accessibility can look like in practice; what collective mobility and micromobility are and what role they play; and how Linköping and Järfälla work with mobility as part of their climate transition work.
Read moreClimate Breakfast 30: Public mobility for climate-neutral cities

Linköping talks about climate work now and in the future

Mikael Sanfridson, Mayor of Linköping, talks about Linköping's climate work during the year and how the municipality will increase its ambitions and the pace of climate change in the future. The film is recorded before European Viable Cities Day 2022 where 23 Swedish cities in the Viable Cities initiative Climate Neutral Cities 2030, of which Linköping is one of them, sign the 2022 Climate City Contract 2030.
Read moreLinköping talks about climate work now and in the future
Viable Cities System Demonstrator

Developing and testing new innovation methods for complex societal challenges

The development of so-called system demonstrators is a way to enable system innovation with great power and mobilization to meet complex societal challenges. With system demonstrators, Vinnova and Viable Cities want to test and demonstrate the transformation of a system in a real environment, where space is created for experiments and where areas with great potential can be scaled up. Six projects have been granted funding for a design phase.
Read moreDeveloping and testing new innovation methods for complex societal challenges

Swedish cities and government agencies inspire climate change in Europe

23 cities and five government agencies are now working with Climate City Contract 2030 as a tool to achieve the mission - climate neutral and sustainable cities by 2030. During the European Viable Cities Day 2021, the work was manifested with a signing ceremony. European guests and representatives from all 23 cities and five government agencies shared how we can accelerate the climate transition together.
Read moreSwedish cities and government agencies inspire climate change in Europe