Label Uppsala

Climate Neutral Uppsala 2030 is part of the Viable Cities initiative Climate Neutral Cities 2030. Here you will find the latest news about Uppsala municipality.

48 Swedish municipalities sign Climate City Contract 2030 and Declarations of Intent during European Viable Cities Day 2024. Photographer: Fredrik Persson.

48 cities link arms in global climate transition

48 Swedish municipalities, representing more than half of Sweden's population, are now joining forces for the climate transition from local to global level. During the European Viable Cities Day, the highest political leadership from the municipalities, directors general from government agencies and other Swedish and international key actors gather to strengthen the mobilization for the climate across national borders.
Read more48 cities link arms in global climate transition

48 municipalities join forces for the climate

48 of Sweden's 290 municipalities are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis. It is now clear which cities, together with Viable Cities and six government agencies , will join forces in the next phase for climate-neutral and sustainable cities. This is also part of a growing global mobilization for climate transition in cities, where the EU is taking the lead and Swedish cities are pioneers.
Read more48 municipalities join forces for the climate
In the picture: Uppsala Climate Protocol is Uppsala's transition arena. The picture was taken at the network's 2024 results conference.

Uppsala has a climate budget, climate requirements and a football pitch that could become a swimming pool

In Uppsala, the focus in the coming years will be on improving energy and power efficiency and increasing the share of renewable electricity, setting high climate requirements in land allocation competitions and procurements, and investing in sustainable travel through tramways, traffic diversions, new cycle paths and charging infrastructure. The new football pitch at Fålhagens IP can also become a reservoir in the event of torrential rain, the municipality plants hundreds of new trees every year, and the municipality has produced documentation and reports on various risks that may arise due to climate change, as support for property owners and construction companies. The Uppsala Climate Protocol, which has existed since 2010, brings together companies, public sector organizations, universities and associations that want to make concrete progress towards a climate-adapted Uppsala.
Read moreUppsala has a climate budget, climate requirements and a football pitch that could become a swimming pool
The whole group gathered in Leuven in the middle of a transformation area for both energy and greener streets.

Energetic knowledge exchange between Swedish and Belgian cities

To accelerate learning among the cities that have chosen to immerse themselves in the development of climate investment plans, Viable Cities organized a study tour to Belgium. By visiting cities with different characteristics and challenges, the group gained insights, ideas and important contacts for the future. The trip brought together a mix of process managers, financial strategists, economic strategists, urban planners, environmental strategists, and researchers.
Read moreEnergetic knowledge exchange between Swedish and Belgian cities

Climate Breakfast 39: Developing procurement to accelerate the climate transition

This fall's first Climate Breakfast will focus on procurement to accelerate the climate transition. Procurement can be a powerful tool to drive a faster transition to climate-neutral and sustainable cities, but how? How can local authorities take a leading role? What are the key areas? What examples of new ways of working on this exist today?
Read moreClimate Breakfast 39: Developing procurement to accelerate the climate transition

Debate: "The government should follow the example of Uppsala municipality"

In the midst of a burning climate crisis, the Swedish government is presenting a climate action plan that falls far short of what is needed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees - the target agreed by world leaders in Paris in 2015. The Swedish government should do more to support the climate transition in the country's municipalities and support leading Swedish cities and municipalities.
Read moreDebate: "The government should follow the example of Uppsala municipality"
Pierre Mesure, expert on civic engagement

Civic engagement

This spring, Viable Cities and Digidem Lab are entering a deeper collaboration on citizen engagement. Pierre Mesure has for 5 years supported municipalities to involve citizens in decision-making, with a focus on the underrepresented in our institutions.
Read moreCivic engagement

Three of the Viable Cities Climate Neutral Cities 2030 are part of the NetZeroCities Pilot Cities Program.

Among the first group of 53 cities from twenty-one countries selected to initiate climate action through the NetZeroCities Pilot Cities Programme are three of the Viable Cities Climate Neutral Cities 2030. Working individually and together, these cities will implement systemic and locally tailored innovative actions spanning multiple areas. The 53 cities have been selected from a wide range of over 100 applications.
Read moreThree of the Viable Cities Climate Neutral Cities 2030 are part of the NetZeroCities Pilot Cities Program.
Viable Cities System Demonstrator

Developing and testing new innovation methods for complex societal challenges

The development of so-called system demonstrators is a way to enable system innovation with great power and mobilization to meet complex societal challenges. With system demonstrators, Vinnova and Viable Cities want to test and demonstrate the transformation of a system in a real environment, where space is created for experiments and where areas with great potential can be scaled up. Six projects have been granted funding for a design phase.
Read moreDeveloping and testing new innovation methods for complex societal challenges

European Viable Cities Day 2021

Climate City Contract 2030 is revised every year, evolving and sharpening every year to accelerate the transition to climate-neutral, sustainable cities. The first version was signed in December 2020 by nine cities, four government agencies and the Viable Cities program. On 8 December...

Read moreEuropean Viable Cities Day 2021

Swedish cities and government agencies inspire climate change in Europe

23 cities and five government agencies are now working with Climate City Contract 2030 as a tool to achieve the mission - climate neutral and sustainable cities by 2030. During the European Viable Cities Day 2021, the work was manifested with a signing ceremony. European guests and representatives from all 23 cities and five government agencies shared how we can accelerate the climate transition together.
Read moreSwedish cities and government agencies inspire climate change in Europe

Four projects to contribute to energy-positive neighbourhoods in Europe

It is now clear which projects have been granted funds in the call for Energy Positive Neighbourhoods, a collaboration between Viable Cities and JPI Urban Europe. Cities4PEDs, Interact, PED-ID and Trans-PED, all with Swedish partners, are now tasked with facilitating learning between cities and countries to create energy positive neighbourhoods in Europe.

Read moreFour projects to contribute to energy-positive neighbourhoods in Europe

Europe's first Climate City Contract signed in Sweden today

Today, December 11, 2020, is a big day for the climate transition in cities. The first climate contracts in Europe have now been signed by the political leadership of nine Swedish cities as well as by the Directors-General of four government agencies and Viable Cities. "Swedish cities are now taking the lead in Europe," says Allan Larsson, Chairman of the Board of Viable Cities.

Read moreEurope's first Climate City Contract signed in Sweden today

Press release: 20 projects receive funding for smart and sustainable cities

Nudging and citizen participation for sustainable lifestyles. Easier ways to travel environmentally friendly in the service. Cultivation systems in industrial areas. These are examples of the issues that are focused on in projects that have now been granted funding within the Viable Cities program, which is coordinated by KTH -...

Read morePress release: 20 projects receive funding for smart and sustainable cities