In Borlänge, car traffic is to be reduced by a fifth by 2030. The municipality's purchases of organic food are to increase to at least 80 percent and at least 30 percent of the municipality's food purchases are to be locally produced by the same year. Already today, 54 actors have signed a local Climate City Contract in Borlänge and even more are on the way. Borlänge municipality tells us about this and much more in the State of 2030 cities on Linkedin.
With a strong connection to the region's natural resources, local business and research, Östersund strives for long-term sustainable solutions. They want to create a society where efficient energy use, circular economy and sustainable transportation are obvious choices for residents and businesses. Choices that may initially be uncomfortable and unfamiliar, but which in the long run will generate a better and more beautiful Östersund.
Kalmar municipality's long-term goal is to become one of Sweden's best municipalities in ecological sustainability, climate transition and climate adaptation! How do we achieve this? Well, among other things, 60% of all journeys will be made by bicycle, walking and public transport by 2035 and a new purchasing and procurement policy will be developed with stricter requirements for fossil-free transport, construction and contracting projects and circular economy. In addition, an increased share of electricity will be both locally produced and renewable with the goal of becoming self-sufficient by 2035. Kalmar municipality is sharing this and much more as part of the State of 2030 Cities.
Eskilstuna is working on collaboration, recycling, logistics, citizen engagement and much more - they are doing Climate Revolution! Eskilstuna's goal is to be climate positive by 2045 and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2030. This also includes consumption-based emissions, which is a major challenge, but very important because they account for such a large proportion of emissions. The work is done in collaboration both internally and together with external actors in the five focus areas of the climate program: Transport and travel sustainably, Use and produce energy efficiently, Build, renovate and construct with low climate impact, Consume and produce sustainably, Store and absorb greenhouse gases.
Stockholm was one of the first cities to receive the EU's Mission Label for its climate work, and with this in mind, the city continues to work for the transition by connecting, strengthening and further developing existing cooperation structures. Together with the city's stakeholders and citizens, they are investing in increased electrification and more efficient transport, electrified construction, carbon capture and storage, reduced plastic use and increased sorting, and not least an environmental zone in the city - which is also part of the system demonstrator STOLT.
Stockholm was one of the first cities to receive the EU's Mission Label for its climate work, and with this in mind, the city continues to work for the transition by connecting, strengthening and further developing existing cooperation structures. Together with the city's stakeholders and citizens, they are investing in increased electrification and more efficient transport, electrified construction, carbon capture and storage, reduced plastic use and increased sorting, and not least an environmental zone in the city - which is also part of the system demonstrator STOLT.
In Gothenburg, there is a strong focus on developing the city's ability to create and utilize citizen engagement in the environmental and climate transition, and in the spring of 2024, the city conducted a so-called citizens' council, where 30 people were given the opportunity to contribute thoughts and suggestions on how the city can engage and involve residents in transforming society for the environment and climate. Gothenburg is also working with a broad toolbox to create a more sustainable and efficient mobility system that will benefit citizens, including efforts for walking and cycling, trams, electrified buses, micromobility and trains. Mobility is a major issue for the city, but it is also working on climate-neutral construction, circular economy, farming, green infrastructure and nature-based solutions, and much more.
In Järfälla, the expansion of Barkarbystaden is underway - one of Sweden's largest urban development projects. To reduce emissions from construction transport, a logistics solution has been procured, with the aim of coordinating and optimizing resources for the thousands of construction transports that need to get in and out. The municipality is also working on an internal reuse system, where furniture and equipment within the municipal organization are reused. Not only that, Järfälla has several initiatives in a portfolio for the transition, including a strategy for sustainable urban development, circular construction, sustainable transport and positive energy districts (PED). In Järfälla, they build, furnish and plan for the future!
A central strategy in Umeå's work is to mobilize and strengthen partnerships and collaboration between partners, based on the Umeå Climate Roadmap's focus areas. Over 60 partners are part of Umeå's climate roadmap and collaborate and learn from each other to strengthen local climate work. With the municipality at the forefront, Umeå has developed a handbook on how to lead an effective climate transition, started an economic association to increase knowledge for circular construction and establish Byggåterbruket, and organized a construction recycling festival for students and staff.
Mariestad has been working on innovative green solutions for almost ten years, and the Climate Neutral Mariestad 2030 mission brings together everyone working for the climate in Mariestad - business, individuals and other actors - in Mariestad's transition arena. Together, they work for a climate-neutral association life, sustainable passenger transport to and from workplaces, sustainable construction, hydrogen as an energy source and board games as a tool.
By integrating sustainability issues into its core activities, Enköping Municipality is acting proactively in the climate transition, and the municipality is investing in creating a culture where sustainability permeates both the municipal organization and the city. With tools such as a carbon budget and in-depth climate knowledge, the municipality works, among other things, with the role and potential of small businesses, urban planning where sustainability goals are to be reflected, reduced energy consumption in public premises using the EnOff model and influencing attitudes, behaviors for sustainable travel, and much more.
Kristianstad - a city in Skåne with a strong focus on the transition of the food system, energy, mobility, the construction industry and, not least, the rewetting of peatlands in the Kristianstads Vattenrike Biosphere Reserve. Kristianstad is working with local actors to achieve a climate-neutral, sustainable and resilient food system in Kristianstad, has recently adopted a sustainable development strategy that is followed up annually through a progress report, is mobilizing, together with local actors, for increased energy production, reliable electricity distribution and efficient energy use, and is developing its methodology for business-oriented climate investment plans.
Växjö municipality aims to be both fossil fuel free and climate neutral by 2030. Therefore, a special focus in the transition is on a sustainable transport system, but Växjö also works with energy-smart housing, engaging local companies, and recycling of building materials. And not least, they work with young people at upper secondary school level, who choose a challenge in the climate transition, develop proposals for initiatives that contribute to solving the challenge, and then exhibit their work at Linnaeus University.
Linköping tells us, among other things, about the climate investment plan for transport they developed together with Linköping University, how they developed a model for category management and worked on an environmental commuting analysis, that they allocated funds for test bed checks and launched a smart map where you can rent, share, exchange, borrow, repair and buy reused. Read also about the five priority areas Linköping is focusing on and the initiatives, networks and project groups that are bubbling with commitment!
Malmö says it will become climate neutral by 2030 and is one of the European Commission's selected pioneer cities to lead the transition. At the heart of Malmö's approach is a new horizontal approach - Climate Transition Malmö - focusing on joint roadmaps in seven priority areas, where strong action can have a big impact for Malmö and the planet. Local work for a global mission!
In Örebro, the municipal council recently adopted the Örebro municipal climate strategy after revision during the year. The targets in each of the six focus areas in the strategy are aimed at the municipal group, but the efforts relate to both the municipal group and the geographical area. The municipality has also set specific goals that they are working on together with other actors and the focus going forward is to implement the climate strategy's new working methods and implement prioritized activities.
The E2B2 program has now opened a new call for funding research and innovation in energy-efficient construction and housing. The call covers approximately SEK 30 million and closes on November 6, 2018. One of the areas in focus is...