The strategic innovation program Viable Cities, in collaboration with the EU initiative JPI Urban Europe, invites a national consultation for Sweden as part of the development of the initiative's new research and innovation agenda.
Time: Monday, September 24, 12 - 15 pm
The program
11:30-12:00 Registration
12:00-12:45 Introduction with Lunch: Viable Cities & JPI Urban Europe
12:45-14:50 Workshop: future research and innovation JPI Urban Europe
14:50-15:00 Closure
Location: Viable Cities, KTH, Teknikringen 10B, Stockholm(Map)
JPI Urban Europe is a research and innovation initiative that brings together funders from EU Member States. A new agenda is currently being developed to focus the research and innovation efforts within the initiative from 2020 to 2026 (Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda - SRIA). One step in this process is to carry out consultations on the draft agenda that has been developed. This event is the national consultation taking place in Sweden. Views from the network around Viable Cities are of great interest and JPI Urban Europe therefore invites this consultation together with Viable Cities.
More information on JPI Urban Europe can be found here.
The focus of the consultation based on the draft SRIA is on the five dilemmas identified (Digital transitions and urban governance, Liveable and functional urban areas, Urban robustness and turbulence, Land-use and urban infrastructures, Public spaces and inclusive urban neighbourhoods) and the research and innovation efforts.
In preparation for the consultation, the latest draft of the SRIA document is available here.
The number of places is limited. Please complete the registration form at the link below by September 20. If you are unable to attend in person, you are invited to submit your comments online by October 5.
If you have questions about the consultation, please contact Jonas Bylund at JPI Urban Europe.