Climate Breakfast 4: Future mobility in climate neutral, sustainable and accessible cities

Klimatfrukost 4 is arranged in collaboration with our sister program Drive Sweden and focuses on various pieces of the puzzle that are necessary in the transition to a transport system that is sustainable, safe and accessible to all. Inspirators are Peter Hafmar, Autonomous drive strategist, NEVS and Suzanne Andersson, development strategist, Gothenburg City Traffic Office.

The breakfast will be based on ongoing work and projects within Drive Sweden and Viable Cities and we will hear about how we can work together to understand and develop new business models, how regulations and policies may need to be adapted and how citizens can be engaged.

We will also see a small part of the film Life on Wheels - transportation for a new urban century by David Hodge and Hi-Jin Kang Hodge, funded by Drive Sweden and Viable Cities.

In short: how can new technologies, digital infrastructure and new services contribute to positive societal development and how can cities best create the conditions?