Label academia and business

#38: "Follow-up research" - a new breed of transition research

Viable Cities Climate Breakfast
In Sweden, several researchers have worked closely together with cities and national innovation actors to support them in steering sustainability transitions by contributing to learning from practice, increased reflexivity and helping to identify evidence about system change. This role got the name of 'följeforskare' (literal translation from Swedish is 'following' or 'companion' researcher). Together we will explore what makes "följeforskning" special in terms of benefits and challenges, why it is especially relevant in accelerating the transition to climate neutral cities, and what role it can play for both cities and national support platforms.


Dacapo Mariestad is a municipal education platform that offers vocational training courses under its own auspices and university and college courses in collaboration with other actors. It works actively to contribute to the goals of the 2030 Agenda, including through training in construction management and nature-based services.

Supply of skills

Gothenburg is actively working on skills supply linked to climate change, including in the battery and automotive industries. Together with regional actors, they have also created the MoveToGothenburg platform to attract labor.

Sting Bioeconomy

Sting Bioeconomy will help develop innovations in the area of forest-based bioeconomy and increase the number of fast-growing companies in the area. The initiative is a collaboration between Paper Province, Region Värmland, Karlstad Municipality and Sting.

Borlänge: Hackatons

In the spring of 2023, 2047 Science Center conducted a number of hackathons with students in year 2 of upper secondary school within the framework of the work with Climate Neutral Borlänge 2030. The students' assignment was based on one of the transport challenges identified by the innovation team for Climate Neutral Borlänge 2030.

Urban ICT Arena

Behind the Urban ICT Arena are the City of Stockholm, Region Stockholm, KTH, ABB, Ericsson, IBM, RISE and Stockholm University. Based on needs from public organisations , they develop new solutions for sustainable cities.

Future by Lund - We think differently!

The Lund Innovation District connects environments and actors to create synergies and to support a more complex transformation with interdisciplinary needs. Cultural and creative industries have an important role in the work on a digital, sustainable and green transition. The Future by Lund innovation platform has been tasked with leading the co-creation work.

Umeå: Electric fuel plant

Umeå Energi has initiated a collaboration with Liquid Wind to establish an electrofuel plant. By capturing carbon dioxide from the Dåva CHP plant, Umeå Energi is taking a further step towards circular flows in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. The initiative also hopes to attract other companies.

The real estate network

Örebro supports and finances initiatives within the Real Estate Network that are aimed at people in the region who work with energy and environmental issues in the real estate industry. It offers study visits, experience meetings and training courses for our members and works actively to achieve our climate goals.

Kristianstad: More coal in the ground

Kristianstad has a large agricultural sector and food industry. Therefore, the initiative More carbon in the soil - local collaboration on carbon storage in agricultural land has been launched to increase carbon storage in the soil and at the same time strengthen a long-term and competitive food system.

RISE: Climate workshop

The climate workshop is a curated process for creating new ways to talk to each other - companies and municipalities - about the journey towards a climate-neutral Umeå. The methodology has been developed together with RISE and now more companies are invited and the method is exported to several cities in Sweden.