Climate Breakfast 33: How do we accelerate the contribution of higher education institutions to the climate transition?

Almost every city participating in the Viable Cities Climate Neutral Cities 2030 program has a higher education institution. They contribute with highly relevant research and education at different levels, but in what other ways do they contribute to the climate transition and what could they do more of? During this climate breakfast, we explore how higher education institutions can accelerate their contribution to the climate transition, including through collaboration in new ways.

Participants include:

  • Lisa Redin, Environmental and sustainability strategist at Umeå University.
  • Johanna Sennmark, Head of Environment at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • Mats Lundqvist, Vice-rector for utilization at Chalmers
  • Lena Neij, Professor at Lund University

The climate breakfast is conducted in collaboration with the Swedish Higher Education Institutions' Climate Network, an initiative funded by Vinnova and Formas.

The speakers talked about:

  • University climate networks
  • RUGGEDISED where Rotterdam, Umeå and Glasgow have worked on creating smart neighborhoods through close collaboration with key local stakeholders and change-makers
  • Climate neutral Umeå 2030 where Umeå University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences are partners together with Umeå Energy, RISE Research Institute and Coompanion Västerbotten.
  • Dåva Eco-Industrial Park
  • SLU's environmental goals regarding energy use, business travel, purchasing, education, environmental analysis, climate neutral university and local environmental goals.
  • Chalmers Ventures, which combines business creation and technology investments within the Chalmers entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  • Wexsus, a collaborative arena run jointly by Chalmers, University of Gothenburg and University West.
  • Gothenburg Green City Zone, which tests and develops the transportation system of the future, where Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg School of Economics/University of Gothenburg are partners.
  • Climate Neutral Cities 2030 as a thematic collaborative initiative at Lund University.

Tips that came in the chat were also: