31 million for the development of urban gardens, urban public transport and circular flows.

Swedish researchers and organizations will receive SEK 30.9 million in funding for eight projects in sustainable urban development, through the European research program ENUTC.

The projects supported include the development of urban gardens, resilient and inclusive urban public transport structures and circular flows at the intersection of energy, food and water. The consortia are composed of researchers from Swedish and European universities and institutes, companies, municipalities and civil society.

Of the 16 projects supported by the European cooperation program ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC), eight have Swedish participation.

- "It is very pleasing to see that half of the projects granted support within ENUTC have Swedish participation. It gives a signal that Swedish innovation is sought after internationally," says Emina Pasic, program manager at the Swedish Energy Agency.

The aim of the program is to explore how urban transition capacity can contribute to sustainable urban development. Urban transition capacity refers, for example, to the process of building capacity in terms of new skills, insights, tools, organizational and personal capabilities, working methods and processes.

The projects' Swedish participation is financed with 30.9 million SEK in support of Viable Cities, the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and our sibling program RE:Source, within ENUTC.

ENUTC SE projects belonging to the Viable Cities project portfolio

  • StiCoNECT: Collective networks for everyday social resilience and ecological transition

  • EmbedterLabs: Better embedded test beds: Synergistic planning for sustainable urban transition

  • CARIN-PT: Capacity for resilient and inclusive urban public transport infrastructure and built environment

  • U-GARDEN: Promoting capacity building and knowledge for the expansion of urban gardens in European cities

ENUTC SE projects belonging to the Re:Source project portfolio

  • TANGO-W: Transitional capacity for energy, food and water.

  • CREATE: Embedding advanced urban material stock methods in management processes to enable circular economy and urban resilience

ENUTC SE projects belonging to the ENUTC other national project portfolio:

  • ILIT: Social Infrastructure that Makes a Difference: The Transformative Capacity of Public Libraries in an Austere Urban Life

  • CO-HOPE Book communities in pandemic times: an international, inter- and transdisciplinary evaluation. Innovative approaches and policy recommendations based on human rights and capacity building efforts

In early April, the first joint ENUTC project meeting took place where all 16 projects were presented and got to know each other.

 Read more about the projects here: jpi-urbaneurope.eu/projects/