Already this year, emissions in Sweden need to be reduced by more than 20 percent to meet our share of the Paris Agreement's 1.5 degree target. This is according to a carbon budget developed by WWF together with researchers at Uppsala University. Meeting the target requires a completely different societal transition than the one currently being discussed in the Swedish debate. So how can cities accelerate their climate work and help to speed up the climate transition? Lars Johansson explains more about this in his blog.
Guest writer Martin Wetterstedt, climate target researcher at Uppsala University, writes on our blog about the experiences from the work with the Climate Roadmap Uppsala. This is about how they developed proposals for working methods to reduce emissions from food and construction.
In Uppsala municipality, they have explored how to create a roadmap with concrete proposals for action based on the goal of climate neutrality. Martin Wetterstedt, climate target researcher at Uppsala University and deputy project manager for the Uppsala Climate Roadmap, explains how they went about it on our blog.