Resilient and sustainable food systems are an important part of achieving climate-neutral and climate-adapted cities and communities. How can we move from research to transition? How do we collaborate to build knowledge and understanding of the system together, and create a common vision? And how can cities contribute to food production?
During this breakfast, we will discuss just transition. How do we create an economy that is as fair and inclusive as possible, that creates decent job opportunities and leaves no one behind?
Almost every city in the Climate Neutral Cities 2030 initiative has a higher education institution. How can they contribute to the climate transition, beyond research and education? During Climate Breakfast 33, we explore how higher education institutions can accelerate their contribution to the climate transition by collaborating in new ways.
In Umeå, efforts are being made to attract workers through Gateway Umeå based on lifestyle aspects and sustainability, among other things.
Within the Climate Leader municipalities for public procurement initiative, Fossil Free Sweden has worked together with Helsingborg, Umeå, Uppsala, Växjö, Örebro and Östersund to identify the challenges of introducing climate requirements in public procurement.
Umeå was the only Swedish municipality to participate in the OECD Circular Economy Programme, which aims to minimize waste and maximize recycling and reuse of resources.
In Umeå, the business community and the municipality have long worked together to reduce climate emissions and achieve climate goals. It started with a cooperation on food and agriculture issues, and since 2021, 56 companies from all possible sectors are involved in the Umeå Climate Roadmap.
During the Transition Lab Forum 9, a number of key actors working in different ways on the issue of climate-smart mobility met. Among other things, it was about mobile hubs and shared mobility; quite simply: How do we manage our everyday trips without a car? We also got an insight into the host city Helsingborg's work on climate change. The event was organized together with Drive Sweden during H22.
Gävle, Gothenburg, Helsingborg, Lund, Malmö, Stockholm and Umeå. These are the Swedish municipalities that are part of the EU's mission for climate-neutral cities by 2030. What does this mean for the cities that joined? And how can it contribute to the climate transition in all Swedish cities?
During Transition Lab Forum 8, we shared experiences from Skellefteå as part of the transition in northern Sweden, and we explored some key issues in the transition process and Climate City Contract 2030 - multi-level governance, sustainable construction, business strategies for sustainability and citizen engagement. The power of the transition in the north is a golden opportunity to use to accelerate the climate transition throughout Sweden and the world.
Viable Cities' mission is climate-neutral and sustainable cities by 2030. Drive Sweden's vision is to create sustainable and safe mobility systems for people and goods that are accessible to everyone. We are now launching a collaboration to accelerate the climate transition: Climate Smart Mobility 2030. During our first joint event, we explored the transition to climate-neutral urban mobility through international perspectives, panel discussions and inspiring examples.
The last climate breakfast of the season was about the circular economy. We were hosted by Liv Öberg, project manager in Umeå municipality. Umeå was the only Swedish municipality included in the OECD circular economy program. She was joined by Stina Behrens, Barkarby Science, who runs innovation for sustainable urban development in Järfälla together with the municipality and other actors.
The last climate breakfast of the season was about the circular economy. We were hosted by Liv Öberg, project manager in Umeå municipality. Umeå was the only Swedish municipality included in the OECD circular economy program. She was joined by Stina Behrens, Barkarby Science, who runs innovation for sustainable urban development in Järfälla together with the municipality and other actors.
In 2019, Viable Cities and Vinnova made an inventory of 15 municipal projects regarding the need for support for innovation management, to work long-term and systematically with innovation. It showed that many are working actively on the issue but that more support is needed. In response to the need, a project is now starting to develop skills, methods, models and tools for innovation management so that cities can become climate neutral more quickly and efficiently.
How can we accelerate the transition to climate-neutral and inclusive cities by 2030 with digital tools as enablers? We will get examples of digital tools used, but also what they were used for and why. We will focus on visual modeling for analysis and decision-making and on how citizens can be involved in urban development using Minecraft.
To increase our resilience, we need to make the choices more concrete and understandable to more people. This is where digital tools, such as digital twins, can be a valuable help. Simply put, a digital twin is a digital copy of a city that makes it possible to test and experiment with possible ways of developing the city "on the drawing board". Not to mention creating experiences, evoking emotions and engagement that can contribute to new behaviors.
Several Swedish cities are working on the transition to climate-neutral cities in 2030 within the framework of Viable Cities. During Climate Breakfast 2, Umeå, Uppsala and Malmö will share their experiences from the work of visualizing the climate transition based on some development projects where different tools have been used.
Welcome to an inspiring, undemanding meeting with themes that are important in the transition to climate-neutral cities.
Forum 3 is about how sustainable communities can be shaped by everyone together, from a concrete, practical perspective with inspiration and good examples, both to engage citizens and to shape local Climate City Contract. Day 2 will focus on financing the climate transition and how to engage citizens in it.
Forum 3 is about how sustainable communities can be shaped by everyone together, from a concrete, practical perspective with inspiration and good examples, both to engage citizens and to shape local Climate City Contract. Day 1 will focus on different pathways to civic engagement.