Ministerial visit from China to Hammarby Sjöstad


There is still great interest from China in finding out how Hammarby Sjöstad came to be. And what the future, Hammarby Sjöstad 2.0, will look like. The other day, Vice Minister Li Meng came with a delegation from the Ministry of Science and Technology to Smart City Sweden in Hammarby Sjöstad. In connection with the meeting, Allan Larsson, ElectriCITY, also Chairman in Viable Cities, together with Nannan Lundin, Erik Freudentahl and Jonas Törnblom informed about Hammarby Sjöstad 1.0 and 2.0.Dr. Li Meng also received information about Viable Cities from program manager Olga Kordas. Viable Cities is highly interesting for China as the largest investment made in Sweden on innovations for sustainable urban development. There are significant opportunities for Sweden to collaborate with leading cities in other countries. China is an important partner given the amount of construction and the increased ambitions in terms of energy, environment and climate.