Climate Breakfast 7: How municipalities structure their climate work

How do Swedish municipalities structure their climate work? On behalf of Viable Cities, our member Klimatkommunerna has made an overview of this. They see that in recent years more and more people have adopted long-term goals for their climate work, and have also identified some key factors for successful climate change in cities. Listen to Filippa Borgström, Climate Municipalities, Elin Sundqvist, Helsingborg Municipality and Sara Olsson, Järfälla Municipality, at the first Climate Breakfast of the spring.

  • Filippa Borgström is Executive Director of the Climate Municipalities. Klimatkommunerna is an association that brings together 40 municipalities that are actively involved in local climate work. The organization is also a member of Viable Cities.
  • Sara Olsson is environmental coordinator in Järfälla municipality and works overall with environmental issues in the municipality, partly through environmental management systems but also by following up various plans and leading projects. The projects are mainly about reducing our climate impact;
  • Elin Sundqvist is an environmental strategist in the city of Helsingborg and has led the project to develop the city's climate and energy plan. The plan was followed up for the first time in the fall of 2020.