Label Storytelling

Photograph: Viveka from INvest in Norrbotten.

Telling stories about quality of life is key to attract 100,000 people

Last week, Viable Cities chief storyteller, Per Grankvist, attended the Demo North Conference where 250 decision-makers gathered to talk about how to attract 100,000 people to Norrland, and he gave a keynote address. In his address, Per emphasized the need to put quality of life at the centre of every story in order to succeed in attracting 100 000 people. Read the full keynote here.
Read moreTelling stories about quality of life is key to attract 100,000 people
Carl Larsson's painting 'Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in the Forest' is unmistakably Swedish.

In what kind of forest does Little Red Riding Hood meet the wolf?

By combining behavioral research and fictional storytelling techniques, we are developing a model for engaging storytelling, the first version of which will be completed before the end of the year. At regular intervals, Per writes about his reflections on storytelling as a tool, based on what is being done, meetings that happen and ideas from people and projects that are inspired.
Read moreIn what kind of forest does Little Red Riding Hood meet the wolf?
Climate breakfast in general

Climate Breakfast 10: Allan Larsson on the journey to the climate transition

Allan Larsson has been Chairman on our board since Viable Cities started, and since then he has made invaluable contributions to our development. At the Annual General Meeting on April 15, he will hand over to a new Chairman. A lot has happened along the way and at Climate Breakfast 10 Allan Larsson developed his thoughts on the journey with Viable Cities and some of the stops along the way. Per Grankvist, our chief storyteller, led the conversation.

Read moreClimate Breakfast 10: Allan Larsson on the journey to the climate transition

Storytelling blog: In what kind of forest does Little Red Riding Hood meet the wolf?

Stories about how good everyday life in the climate-smart city will be are, in a way, a fairy tale because they are not yet true. Our chief storyteller Per Grankvist explains why some of the most common fairy tales include site-specific details that make them more believable, and why it's important for urban planners to follow suit.

Read moreStorytelling blog: In what kind of forest does Little Red Riding Hood meet the wolf?

Storytelling blog: What cities can learn from car manufacturers

At regular intervals, our chief storyteller Per Grankvist will write about his reflections on storytelling as a tool, based on what we do, meetings we have and ideas from people and projects we are inspired by. The article series is part of the development of a model for engaging storytelling, the first version of which will be completed before the end of the year.

Read moreStorytelling blog: What cities can learn from car manufacturers