Travel report from Brussels


On April 9 and 10, a delegation from Viable Cities visited the European Commission and the European Parliament. The delegation. The delegation consisted of program manager Olga Kordas, board chairman Allan Larsson and board member Mikael Anneroth. These three people summarized their impressions and conclusions in a trip report that you can read below.

The purpose of the trip was to get information about the new European Innovation Council program and the plans for FP9, and to make Viable Cities known among those in the Commission and Parliament who are responsible for corresponding issues. Two things highlighted in the report are that cities will be central to the new research and innovation agenda and that the Viable Cities program inspires and creates curiosity. Throughout, Viable Cities was met with great interest and a desire to continue contacts to learn more about how Sweden works with smart and sustainable cities. "It is not you who should come to us, it is we who should come to you to learn", said Kurt Vandenberghe, who in DG Research is responsible for FP 9.