Become a member

Membership in Viable Cities means being part of working towards the mission of climate-neutral cities by 2030 with a good life for all within the boundaries of the planet.

Behind Viable Cities are over 100 member organizations working together towards the programme's mission of climate-neutral cities by 2030 with a good life for all within the boundaries of the planet. Members are actively engaged in the development of the program through their participation in activities, projects and the annual General Assembly.

As a member organization of Viable Cities, you have the opportunity to influence the strategic direction and activities of the programme. Only members can participate in strategic projects, take part in the general meeting or sit on the program board. Viable Cities does not charge a membership fee but all members actively contribute to the development of the program through their own work and/or cash funding. The purpose of Viable Cities member organizations is to contribute to the development of the programme.

Becoming and being a member

Application for membership of Viable Cities is open to organizations that meet the criteria set out in the membership agreement. The decision to grant an application for membership is taken by the Program Board on the recommendation of the Program Management based on the assessment criteria below. Membership is completed by the organization acceding to the membership agreement by signing an accession document.

  • Ability to make a long-term commitment to the program
  • Willingness to resource the organization's involvement in the program
  • Interest in driving the development of the program in the specified thematic and focus areas.
  • You fill in the application form (link below).
  • After receiving the application, the program management will contact you to schedule a time for a member dialogue.
  • The Member Dialogue is the opportunity for the programme management and applicants to discuss the organization's planned involvement in the programme in accordance with the assessment criteria.
  • The Program Board decides at the next Board meeting whether to grant an application for membership on the recommendation of the Program Management.
  • When membership is granted, the organization receives a membership agreement and the admission document to be signed by the organization's signatory.
  • Once the accession document has been signed and received by the programme management, the organization will be listed as a member in the membership agreement and on the website and will receive member-specific information and events.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding membership of Viable Cities, please contact us at

Member State meetings

Every year, Viable Cities holds a meeting of all member organizations to discuss the affairs of the programme, called the General Assembly. It decides on Viable Cities' strategy within the framework of the Swedish Energy Agency's program decisions. At the Assembly, one person from each member organization can vote, but more can participate.