In 2023, BeBo, in collaboration with Belok, conducted the feasibility study Energy communities for property owners - guidance and support. Within the feasibility study, a guide was developed, which is intended to serve as support for property owners who want to initiate an energy community, but can also serve as support for other actors.
The energy system needs to be transformed to phase out fossil fuels and achieve climate neutrality. To create a resilient, secure and just energy transition, new forms of energy production are needed that combine large-scale, centralized production with small-scale, decentralized production in new ways. This systemic shift presents challenges and opportunities. As we focus on putting new technological systems in place and making energy use more efficient, we also need to consider how it affects people's economic and social situations and living environments. During this Transition Lab Forum, we will explore how the municipality, together with other stakeholders, can ensure a fair and sustainable energy transition.
Lund is home to the world's largest low-temperature, fossil-free district heating network. The MAX IV laboratory and the ESS research facility heat the city using residual heat. The aim is for other parts of Lund to also receive low-temperature heat in the networks in the future. Then Lund can grow without increasing emissions from district heating!
There are only benefits to becoming an energy-smart company; for the economy, for the working environment and not least through reduced negative climate impact and emissions. In Eskilstuna municipality through the Energy Evolution Center, the energy-smart solutions are tailored to the needs of companies to become more energy-smart - through the Energy Staircase!
Örebro's new residential area Tamarinden in Sörbyängen is planned to be a sustainable and smart neighborhood where we create conditions for people to meet and where the houses share energy.
CoAction Lund is a project that brings together stakeholders in northeast Lund to undergo a large-scale change process in order for Lund to become climate neutral by 2030. The focus is on energy and transport, as passenger transport accounts for the majority of emissions in Lund and a robust energy system is an absolute necessity to achieve climate neutrality. The project includes major employers, property owners, government agencies, energy suppliers, the university and solution providers in addition to the municipality.
CoAction Lund is a project that brings together stakeholders in northeast Lund to undergo a large-scale change process in order for Lund to become climate neutral by 2030. The focus is on energy and transport, as passenger transport accounts for the majority of emissions in Lund and a robust energy system is an absolute necessity to achieve climate neutrality. The project includes major employers, property owners, government agencies, energy suppliers, the university and solution providers in addition to the municipality.
The Swedish Energy Agency provides support to municipalities that want to provide energy and climate advice to companies and other stakeholders. Some examples are Eskilstuna, which uses the Energitrappan concept, and Helsingborg.
In Helsingborg, the new climate and energy plan for the period 2025-2030 will cover the entire geographical area and therefore become the entire municipality's plan. In the spring of 2023, a basis for the plan was prepared and companies and associations were invited to participate in the process. Proposals for the measures to be prioritized in different emission areas have been formulated and the actors who can implement the measures have been identified.
Through simple technical solutions and behavioral changes, the energy peaks in the commercial kitchens in Uppsala are drastically reduced. The result is both lower overall energy demand and reduced energy costs.
How do we secure a climate-smart, sustainable energy supply in an increasingly electrified world? A lot is happening in the energy sector now that has major consequences for cities' efforts to become climate-neutral, in a troubled world. Coordinated and bold investments need to be made and climate investment plans are gaining importance. Energy saving, efficient electrification and faster introduction of renewable energy are some things we will delve into at Transition Lab Forum 10 in Uppsala on October 13.