
A support action for national and regional government agencies to promote their governance structures and strengthen support to cities to achieve the mission of climate neutral cities. The project is funded under the EU Horizon Europe program.

Promoting national support for climate-neutral cities

Viable Cities participates together with the Swedish Energy Agency as a lead partner in CapaCITIES. The project aims to provide support to national government agencies to develop support platforms for regional and local actors by improving their multi-level governance and shaping national ecosystems (such as Viable Cities in Sweden) in support of the EU's mission for climate neutrality in cities by 2030.

To achieve this ambition, the CapaCITIES consortium represents 15 European countries building on a well-established network of national government agencies (national ministries and government agencies responsible for urban development) with their relevant urban stakeholder organizations outside the consortium partners and countries. CapaCITIES thus builds on relationships formed through JPI Urban Europe and the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership (DUT) which brings together 60 organizations from national, regional and local levels.

CapaCITIES is funded as a Coordination and Support Action within Horizon Europe during 2022-2024.