Status Ongoing

Climate neutral Uppsala 2030

In Uppsala, the focus in the coming years will be on improving energy and power efficiency and increasing the share of renewable electricity, setting high climate requirements in land allocation competitions and procurements, and investing in sustainable travel. The Uppsala Climate Protocol, which has been in place since 2010, brings together companies, public organizations, universities and associations that want to make concrete progress towards a climate-converted Uppsala. Uppsala hooks arms with Håbo.

Climate neutral Växjö 2030

Växjö municipality aims to be both fossil fuel-free and climate neutral by 2030. Therefore, a special focus in Växjö is on the transition to a sustainable transport system. But they are also building on investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, urban planning, circular flows and cooperation between different actors. Växjö is hooking arms with Alvesta.

Climate neutral Östersund 2030

In the picture: Cyclist at Storsjö Strand in Östersund. Photo: Håkan Wike.
Östersund has high ambitions in sustainability, and setting high goals is an important part of the work - goals that are not only about the climate and reducing emissions, but also about health, justice and quality of life. This is demonstrated by, among other things, an emission-free construction site, sustainable travel - even in winter, a circular pop-up, a climate box, work hubs, and several other good examples.

Climate neutral Örebro 2030

Örebro municipality's revised climate strategy clarifies six focus areas that are aimed at the municipal group, but the efforts relate to both the municipal group and the geographical area. Örebro has also set specific goals that they are working on together with other actors and the focus going forward is to implement the climate strategy's new working methods and implement prioritized activities.