First mobility hotel is rolling in Gothenburg

Building bridges between mobility companies, cities, retail and real estate
- Anastazia Kronberg, Process Manager at Business Region Göteborg

At the mobility hotel in Nordstan, you can book a delivery by bike, change the battery on your electric moped and get service on your bike or electric micro vehicle. In addition, there is an unmanned micro-store for craftsmen where they can shop and then get out to city customers by bike. The mobility hotel is a result of the collaboration business and public organisations and contributes concretely to Gothenburg's green transition.

Promoting a reduction in fossil-fueled commercial transport
Connects different industries with public organisations
Promotes reduced private car use

The mobility hotel - a result of collaboration between region, city and business

Sweden's first mobility hotel has opened in the Nordstan business center in Gothenburg - a hub in the middle of the city for bicycle deliveries, battery changes, service of bicycles and electric micro vehicles. It also offers crafts and service companies the opportunity to leave their cars and take a box bike instead.

The initiative is part of the city's climate work and aims to increase the proportion of green and emission-free transport in Gothenburg city center. Business Region Göteborg, the City of Gothenburg and Nordstan Business Center have developed the mobility hotel together and today six different actors operate here.


The Mobility Hotel combines personal mobility and logistics in one place, connecting different sectors such as transport, real estate, construction, retail and public organisations. It also helps new target groups, such as craftsmen, cleaning companies and couriers, to switch from cars to small, space-efficient vehicles.

- Through these three elements, the mobility hotel creates a high level of innovation. I am convinced that new roles, value chains and business models will emerge here - exactly what we need to see for the green transition to accelerate," says Anastazia Kronberg, Process Manager Business Region Göteborg.

Gothenburg aims to reduce emissions from transport in the city by at least 90% by 2030 compared to 2010. At the same time, so-called motorized traffic should be reduced by 25%. The mobility hotel can be an important piece of the puzzle to get there.

The mobility hotel has been developed within the EU project Move21 project.

What the hotel offers

The hotel is housed on two levels in the Nordstan parking garage, which is located directly above the underground cargo street where goods come in on large trucks. This means that deliveries can easily be moved by elevator and loaded onto the bicycle company's cargo bikes and on to the city streets. 

At the hotel, craftsmen can also park their cars for free and borrow an electric bicycle for onward travel to customers in the city. In addition, a wholesaler in industry, construction and plumbing has an unmanned micro-shop for craftsmen in the mobility hotel. This can be a great advantage for craftsmen in the city who do not have to take the car out to shopping centers further out. With the help of a bicycle delivery service, they can even have goods delivered directly to their workplace - by bike, of course. Delivery and courier companies can also quickly change batteries at a vending machine located at the entrance to the parking garage. There are also other facilities such as changing rooms, a kitchen, toilets and office space.

Next door to the parking garage, just inside the west entrance of the business center, are the more public parts of the mobility hotel. Here, a company that sells and repairs electric vehicles and another that services and sells bicycles have opened a joint shop. Gothenburg has long lacked workshops in the inner city for servicing small vehicles, so this fills a clear need.

Three benefits of mobility hotels

Mobility hotels in the three dimensions

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Contact us

Anastazia Kronberg, Process Manager at Business Region Göteborg, 

Suzanne Green, Project Manager Urban Environment Administration, City of Gothenburg,

Climate neutral Gothenburg 2030