Identify starting points

In the work of creating a comprehensive strategy and plan for collaboration between municipalitiesbusiness with the aim of accelerating the climate transition, it is good to identify and highlight the reasons that are particularly important for different actors within the municipality.

As shown in a report from the Västra Götaland Region Research Council, Fossil Free Sweden's work and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth's survey, there are both challenges and opportunities to consider. Go through the reasons below and mark the ones that are most important to you, then raise your priorities with others in your team.

  • Companies have or can develop solutions to be used in the municipal organization's own climate change work, for example in energy efficiency and more efficient logistics.
  • By helping companies develop climate-smart products, municipalities as pilot customers can contribute to increased sales and exports, which can lead to more jobs and higher wages (= more income tax for the municipality).
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from businesses need to be reduced faster if the municipality's goal of becoming a climate-neutral city by 2030 is to be achieved.

  • Through interaction between the municipality and business , skills development needs can be identified and addressed in time, which can reduce unemployment and loss of production.
  • Companies that have adapted to EU legislation are more competitive, which can lead to more jobs, among other things.
  • Business knowledge is needed to address complex systemic changes where many types of actors need to interact.

  • Cooperation between several municipalities and companies to develop new solutions can reduce risks and costs.
  • Companies can join forces to transform industries and value chains, which can have a major positive impact on costs, emissions and jobs.
  • Through industrial symbiosis, circular flows can create resource and cost efficiencies and robust local ecosystems of cooperation and development.

  • As large employers, companies have the opportunity to influence, for example, passenger transport.
  • Business leaders actively working on climate issues are important opinion leaders who can create citizen engagement.
  • The use of new solutions for the production of energy and steel, for example, can increase Sweden's and Europe's resilience and, by extension, also increase democracy.

  • Businesses are an important actor in addressing the just transition, including in terms of skills supply and consumption.
  • Research and innovation initiatives involving academia and business can put the municipality on the map, helping to attract both individuals and businesses to set up there.