Patrick Child, mission manager for climate neutral and smart cities and deputy director general of DG ENV, is visiting Sweden in the context of the Swedish presidency in the European Union. Today, Viable Cities hosted a meeting where the acceleration of the mission was discussed with participants from multiple levels; European, national, local. Prominent participants from the European Commission, Swedish government agencies, the City of Stockholm, and stakeholders from different parts of society.

Multi level governance in practice today. How can we accelerate the mission for cities to become climate neutral and sustainable by 2030 in Sweden and Europe?
Patrick Child, mission manager for climate neutral and smart cities and deputy director general of DG ENV, is visiting Sweden in the context of the Swedish presidency in the European Union. Today, Viable Cities hosted a meeting where the acceleration of the mission was discussed with participants from multiple levels; European, national, local. Prominent participants from the European Commission, Swedish government agencies, the City of Stockholm, and stakeholders from different parts of society.
Many thanks to all participants;
- Patrick Child, the European Commission
- Erik von Pistohlkors, the European Commission's representation in Sweden.
- Johan Kuylenstierna, Formas (a Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development)
- Darja Isaksson Vinnova (Sweden's innovation agency)
- Karin Hermansson, responsible for funding program Klimatklivet, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
- Emina Pasic, program officer for Viable Cities and EU DUT partnership, Swedish Energy Agency
- Karolina Skog, member of EU Mission Board for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission
- Gabriel Wikström, national coordinator Agenda 2030 (appointed by the Government)
- Björn Bergstrand, Head of Sustainability, Kommuninvest
- Pierre Mesure, citizen engagement expert, Digidem Lab
- Ulf Ceder, Senior manager, mobility research & collaboration, Scania, member of Viable Cities steering board
- Anders Wijkman, Vice-chair Viable Cities, Chair Climate-KIC
- Erica Eneqvist, coordinator Climate Neutral Stockholm 2030 (part of the national initiative Climate Neutral Cities 2030), City of Stockholm