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Transition Lab Forum Live: Just energy transition for climate neutral cities

Viable Cities and Örebro municipality warmly welcome you to Transition Lab Forum Live with the theme Fair energy transition for climate neutral cities!

The energy system needs to be transformed to phase out fossil fuels and achieve climate neutrality. To create a resilient, secure and just energy transition, new forms of energy production are needed that combine large-scale, centralized production with small-scale, decentralized production in new ways. This systemic shift presents challenges and opportunities. As we focus on putting new technological systems in place and making energy use more efficient, we need to consider the impact on people's economic and social situations and living environments.

During this Transition Lab Forum we will explore how the municipality, together with other actors, can ensure a fair and sustainable energy transition. For whom are new smart, flexible energy systems being built? How do we ensure that the energy transition creates a good life for everyone and is socially sustainable? How can the transition take place within the planet's resource limits? What role do energy communities and energy-positive neighborhoods play in this development? How can a municipality conduct local energy planning that includes a fair and climate-neutral energy transition?

We deepen the perspectives on the theme as part of the journey towards climate-neutral and sustainable cities in 2030. We explore how different actors, such as municipalities, municipal companies, other business, academia, civil society and citizens, can mobilize for faster transition. In Sweden and Europe, many actors are mobilizing for climate-neutral cities in 2030. To succeed, we need to test, evaluate, and learn from each other.

The broadcast can be viewed via this link. Sign up to receive an email reminder and the link directly to the live broadcast on June 13 via this link.

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June 13, 2024
10:00 - 12:00




Viable Cities
Örebro municipality