In Sweden and Europe, many actors are mobilizing for climate-neutral cities by 2030 and also for a climate-adapted future. Climate change can exacerbate existing and emerging inequalities. Addressing equity is therefore important in both climate transition, where it is about reducing emissions, and in climate adaptation to address the consequences of climate change. Viable Cities has recently strengthened its collaboration with the Governmental Network for Climate Adaptation (MNKA) coordinated by SMHI. We know that we need to find better ways to work on both adaptation and mitigation. Equity is a key dimension of both adaptation and transition.
This climate breakfast will explore questions such as: How might the structure and content of the economy be changed by climate change? What is meant by equity in the climate context? How can we work on climate change mitigation and adaptation to avoid businesses and groups becoming 'winners', while others lose out? How do national government agencies and municipalities work with these issues today? What needs to be developed for the future?
Connect to the Climate Breakfast via Zoom.