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Circular grids

Circular mall Rundgång in Karlstad
Circular malls and reuse shops are places, physical or digital, that highlight different circular concepts such as second hand, vintage, remake, repair, rental services, refurbished technology and waste- and resource-smart products.

Nacka's little frog walk

A frog on Nacka's little frog walk.
The municipality of Nacka is experiencing urban development, with the construction of new housing and the exploitation of unspoiled land. New construction involves the exploitation of land with high natural values. To ensure that protected species in the swamp forest are not adversely affected, Nacka is taking several protective measures that also create more involvement.

Low temperature district heating networks in Lund

Lund is home to the world's largest low-temperature, fossil-free district heating network. The MAX IV laboratory and the ESS research facility heat the city using residual heat. The aim is for other parts of Lund to also receive low-temperature heat in the networks in the future. Then Lund can grow without increasing emissions from district heating!

Energy smart solutions tailored in Eskilstuna

There are only benefits to becoming an energy-smart company; for the economy, for the working environment and not least through reduced negative climate impact and emissions. In Eskilstuna municipality through the Energy Evolution Center, the energy-smart solutions are tailored to the needs of companies to become more energy-smart - through the Energy Staircase!